Chapter 2: introduction

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~Your POV~
I wake up the next morning and let out a yawn, pulling the blankets off me, until I realise it's Monday, time to see a cat... though I won't know who he is, I'll hopefully find out, I jump from my bed hopping into the shower, I jump out and throw my clothes on which was a simple f/c shirt that had a small graphic cat printed on it, it was one of my favourite shirts, and a black skirt just above my knees, I grab my bag and get my food, then I grab some books i'd need for the day and rush out to get to school, I arrive at school puffed out standing at the start of the stair case hunched over catching my breath.

I look to the side as a fancy car pulls up next to me, the door opens and a boy with blonde hair and green eyes walked out from the car, "bye" he waved to the drive and closed the door, he turns around his eyes landing on me, he reminds me so much of Chat... then again completely different hair styles... he smiles at me taking me off guard, shocked my eyes widen until I give him a small smile back. "You must be new?" he strides over towards me and I just nod "hey Dude" a boy with dark brown hair and amber eyes rocks up with a red cap puts his arm around the blonde haired boys "ah, hey Nino" the Blondie replied to his friend, the boy apparently named Nino noticed me, "hey dude who's this?" he points to me, I sigh "no need" I smile slightly and turn back around walking up the stairs.

~Adrien's POV~
I really wanna help her but Nino will start asking questions "hey guys" I'm snapped from my thoughts as Alya and Marinette approach us "hey Alya, Marinette" I smile "who was that?" Alya asked looking between me and Nino "I think she's new, speaking of which I should go help her" I answer racing off up the stairs to see the girl I met last night who I for some dumb reason didn't get the name of walk toward my classroom, I race up the stairs "hey girl with the h/c hair!!" I shout racing up the stairs, she turns around as I make it to her "need a hand?" she shakes her head "thank you but I found my classroom" she replies with a smile "oh guess we're in the same class then" I say and she nods.

~Your POV~
I walk into the classroom "good morning Adrien and this must be the new girl, hello welcome I'm Mrs Bustier" a lady with orangish hair and blue eyes greets me, "good morning" I smile "where would I be sitting?" I ask "at the back the seat closest to the walk way on the right" she says pointing to my future seat "thank you it'll be a pleasure being your student" I give a closed eyed smile racing up to my seat, I sit down as students start pouring into the room and into they're seats, a red haired boy stands to my left "hello" he waved I turn and smile "Hi, guess I'll be your new seat mate" i say holding my hand out for a hand shake, he takes it and shakes my hand and sits down "I'm Nathaniel" he said "I'm Y/N" I smile in return.

"Class we have a new student please stand up and introduce yourself" I stand up and give off a closed eyed smile as all eyes turn to me, I felt my hands get sweaty, I couldn't remember the last time I stood up in class like this, "I-I'm... Y/N L/N..." I open my eyes to see a girl in the front row laughing at me "she's so nervous" I hang my head in shame at her comment, I feel a hand on my shoulder, I meet the eyes of the red haired boy "leave her alone Chloe" Nathaniel growled, The girl known as Chloe pouts.

"Why should i?"

My Duty To Find The Kitty (Adrien X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora