~Chapter 22~

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1 thing before this chapter starts... Thank you all so much for 1K views 😱🥺😭 I honestly don't deserve it, and I thought I'd get to 1K AFTER I finished the book as that's what happened with my first ever fan fiction.. Thank you all, next chapter I will try to make it as long as possible! Anyway on with the story 💞

~Your POV~
My eyes went wide with fear recognising the voice, I pulled out of my state of shock by Adrien pulling me behind him "who are you?!" He calls out, I place my hands on his shoulders "that's... my mother..." He lefts our an 'ah' noice as if remembering her face "just give me my daughter, Y/N come back to Mama" she calls in the soothing voice she used on me when I was younger to calm me down after hurting myself. I hide my self behind Adrien a lump growing in my throat "P-piss off.." I cry out holding tightly on the back of Adrien's jacket, as tears well up in my eyes "you heard her" Adrien growled protectively "Adrien give the mother her daughter back stop being overprotective" Alya rolled her eyes, I looked at her tears now slowly and forcefully spilling out, her eyes land on me going wide, then switching between my mother me and Adrien her and Marinette must be so confused... I would be to if I was them.. they don't know what she's done... "yes listen to the smart young girl with glasses" my mother smirked wildly arms wide open "NO... IM NOT GOING HOME SO YOU CAN DO TO ME WHAT YOU DID TO THAT POOR INNOCENT CIVILIAN" I scream from behind Adrien tears now rapidly falling as if I could cry out an ocean, as I tightly grip onto Adrien's jacket.

"Adrien who's this" Adrien's body guard speaks roughly "her mother....." Adrien mumbles and has his hands on my waist from behind him protectively, probably hurting his hands. "yes so I think you'll understand I want my darling daughter back, I love her to much to lose her, first her father now her" my mother whined in sadness, "Don't use father's death as an excuse" I choked out through the tears scrunching up my face "You left him heartbroken you... You... BITCH" I scream as my clench my fists tighter grabbing a hand full of Adrien's jacket "Don't use his death in such a disgraceful and disgusting way you sick mentally ill human... Who I can't even call my mother" I scowl and watch her sad smile drop into a frown then into a death glare "You'll be next Y/N... You'll be next, lover boy can't save you... I'll find you.. Or maybe they will" she calls out psychotically walking away backwards.

"You won't be alive to even live your life slightly to the fullest.. I mean you ruined my life so I'm just returning the favour" she laughed out and ran off into a crowd of people making it impossible to even think about following her, as the body guard seemed to try to do before being pushed from the crowd, I wasn't sure what was going on..I was still questioning what had just happened. I'm pulled into a hug, I look up to see the familiar blonde hair that smelt oddly like strawberries. "hey are you alright?" he whispers rubbing my back softly and comfortingly "yeah I'm fine" I smiled softly at his concern "are you sure? She didn't harm you emotionally" he said pulling away placing both hands on my cheeks to make sure I can't turn my head away. "I'm just... Questioning..." I spoke softly... "who's They!?"

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