~Chapter 24~

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~Your POV~
I smile softly "what does he eat? Cause he's not human?" I say pointing to the kwami "cheese... Camembert cheese..." I laughed out, "you need better taste in cheese" I smiled wildly "you need better taste in boys" he smirks, my eyes widen as my face heats up
"do to"
"do not"
"do to"
"come on guys your acting like children" Adrien interrupts the two of us "I didn't know you liked someone.. How does Plagg know and I don't?" he asked slight sparkles in his eyes "oh.. He saw me smiling at a message my crush had sent me..." I say making an excuse then I watch the sparkles leave his eyes "anyway, that's why you slightly smelt like Camembert, but for some reason your hair smells like strawberries" he blinks a few times "how do you know my hair smells like strawberries?" he asked shocked "a-am i-i not m-meant to br-breath while hugging you?!" I cover up pouting "oh right.." he laughs nervously, I smile wildly.

"so..." I gulp "what are your feelings toward your partner? ladybug?" I speak softly "M'Lady... she's probably, one of the smartest, bravest, more amazing people I've ever met" he spoke in absolute amazement and looking at the sky "but... I used to be absolutely obsessed with her and only her, it made me blind for a long Time" he stood up from the couch and walked towards his window.

He placed his hand on the window looking out in the night sky, his eyes glimmered and hair shined in the moonlight.

"But... there's also this... other girl" he spoke softly, I felt my heart clench up and a knot start to form in my throat, not only is it one, but it's two girls?!

"She's, smart, amazing, sweet, her smile is... as bright as the stars and just... ugh" he placed his forehead on the window softly as he spoke the light on his eyes grew wider "the thought of her dances around my head 24/7 whether she's with me or not."

I hung my head slightly, it pained me for him to talk like this about someone else, He looked back at me "have you ever felt like this?" I smile at the blonde haired boy softly "of course... in fact... there's this boy..."

I watch the sparkles disappear in almost an instant "He's cute, funny, smart, a great help, and I have the same problem... I can't get him off my mind" I say placing my head on the palm of my hand as Adrien looks back to the window"it's like he controls my mind to know exactly when to think about him.." I continue "and that's like... 24/7" I let out a small giggle.

I stand up swiftly and walk towards Adrien, I place my hand on his shoulder making him turn back around "whoever the second girl is.. she's mighty lucky" I say giving a sad smile to the blonde boy and he just blinks at me, "your boy is so much luckier" he smiles wildly..

"Heh... if only you knew the half of it" I bit my lip closing my eyes.

"If only you knew..." I speak lowering my voice "that it was you" I mumble/ whispered under my breath "pardon?" He asked confused "nothing! Forget it!" I pull away abruptly smiling softly.

I quickly walk back over to the couch, Adrien stayed at his post by the window while the mini Chat Noir flew towards me "why don't you just tell him?" He asked "because... it would be awkward for One... Two he's like..... My only friend" I speak softly to the small creature who only sighs in return.

I stand up sighing "i-i shou-should... Go to my room" I gulp in between.

I couldn't possible tell him, how does one tell a famous guy like Adrien that you love them? He'd think it's a joke... Wouldn't he?

I exit the room as fast as possible, I can't think of this stuff with the possibility of crying in front of Adrien... I'm not really good a lying I try but not always good.

I collapse on my bed as soon as I enter my room signing deeply.

He would think it's just a joke... He probably gets over 100 fans telling him 'i love you' on a daily basis.. Honestly what was I thinking falling for Adrien Agreste...

I snuggle into my pillow holding it into my chest and face tightly, I couldn't imagine the struggles of being Adrien honestly.. I'd probably just make it worse by confessing.

My grip loosens on the pillow as I grow more tired and soon fall into a dream.. No.. Nightmare.

The h/C girl wonders around the seemingly empty manor
"Hey, guys? Adrien? Mr Agreste? Natalie?"
The girl wonders around looking for everyone.
She enters her friend, Adriens room to a to her, shocking sight.

She walked in to see Ladybug and Chat Noir In Adriens room sharing a deep romantic kiss, she wanted to cry, run away and leave in that moment but she couldn't move her legs, she stood there hand over her mouth watching the kiss, she held in her sobs and cries and she just watched she held one hand over her heart as she sobs silently.

I sat up quickly breathing heavily, no sweat, but a tear stained face, I touched my cheek softly a wiped away the tears that were still slightly wet, I gulp, I need.. Water or something.

I slowly stand up trying to remain balance and slowly exit my room.

I sigh as I make it to the main area "Y/N? What are you doing up?" My eyes widen in shock "A-Adrien?!" I look up at him I'm shock, "I could ask you the same" I give a sad smile remembering my nightmare.

"You alright?" he says walking down and rubbing his eyes, I gulp as he reaches the end and stands next to me.

I clench my fists and run up to him wrapping my arms around his neck, I start sobbing uncontrollably on his shoulder, he hesitates before wrapping his arms around me and then drawing circles on my back.

"what's wrong?" He whispers in my ear "I-I" I sniffle "had a-a ni-nightmare" I manage to stammer out "what was it about?" he asks comfortingly, I shake my head "no! I-I can't say" the room was now filled with an awkward silence "why not?" He says disappointment in his voice.

I grab hold of his jacket and clench it tightly "Y-You'd probably hate me.... if you found out... and by telling you I basically give it away" I say squeezing his shirt "give what away?" I had enough... i don't know if I should or not?

My mind is filled with questions, should or shouldnt, would and wouldn't, hate or not, forgive or forget. I was scared nonetheless. That was until it just slipped out...

"Adrien... I love you"

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