~Chapter 23~

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~Your POV~
"Who're they?!" I asked rhetorically placing my hands on his arms that were still placed on my cheeks, "that's something my mother had said stuck to me... who's after me?" I spoke softly and sighed "my mother... she's always been crazy... but never to this extent..." I place my head on his chest tiredly "I don't even know what's gotten into her" I felt my heart race and breathing quicken rapidly to the point I collapse into Adrien's back.

~Adriens POV~
I watch the exit Miss, L/N went through when I feel a sudden weight on my back, I turn around quickly just for Y/N's limp body to fall into my arms, I place her on a near by bench next to the fountain, I put my hand on her forehead, she was burning up! I sighed "Adrien!" I jump in surprise recognising the voice of my photographer "Ah, sorry" I make sure Y/N is alright then race over to the side of the fountain my photographer was on.

"What were you doing Adrien" I scratch the back of my head "my apologies.. it's just my friend that's all" I reply softly "uh huh" he says then sighs.

For the next hour or two we take photos of me in different poses around the fountain, avoiding Y/N at all costs. Finally finishing the photoshoot I say goodbye to my Photographer I turn around to see Alya and Marinette standing by a tree "wa-was th-that amazing Adrien!" Marinette spoke stammering, what does she mean was that? "yeah I guess..?" I say scratching the back of my neck laughing slightly "I MEAN t-that w-was.." she corrected herself slowly "what Mari is trying to say is that you did an amazing job" Alya stepped in giggling at Marinette "oh! Thanks Marinette" I smiled wildly at the blue haired girl.

~Your POV~
My eyes flutter open to be hit by harsh sunlight compared to the darkness of my eyelids it once was, I sit up yawning, I look at my surroundings, why am I at the park? Oh.. right.. where's Adrien?! I begin to panic spinning my head around rapidly. I let out a soft sigh of relief as my e/c eyes Land on the blonde boy, who's he talking to though? I move to the side of the bench that I could look at them, he's talking to two girls, Marinette and Alya, Marinette... she's blushing?! I feel an ache in my chest and loom away from the three as I see Adrien beginning to laugh.. I know I should but anyway is better then here isn't it?

I stand fast off the bench getting slightly dizzy, but I don't care, I speed off into the opposite direction of the group, none of them seemed to notice. I guess I really am in love with him aren't I? I feel tears trickle down my face, I should be happy for him... I had this argument with myself before not again! The tears rapidly speed up I Know I need to be there for Adrien through thick and thin come on.. "Y/N?!" I hear Adrien suddenly call out...shit... I can't let him see me like this. I wipe away my tears but it was no use, they wouldn't stop... I hear footsteps toward the wall I'm behind... No... Stop crying quick! "Adrien, she'll meet us back at the house, she can't really go anywhere else" Adrien's Body guards voice boomed from behind me earning a sigh from Adrien "I know.. Just.. What about what her Mum said... About her or whoever them is finding her.. And me not being Able to protect her" Adrien choked out like he was about to cry "it'll be fine, she seems strong, she won't go down without a fight" I hear Alya's voice calming Adrien "yeah! If not Ladybug and Chat Noir will save her!" I sit there gripping onto the bottom of my shirt as the tears run down my face viciously he's so worried and yet.. I'm so selfish to not move, run and comfort him... All because I don't want him to see my cry. "You guys are right" Adrien sighs out not daring to argue anymore.

~Third person~
Y/N sat there crying for the next half and hour after they had left, no one was really walking past as it was kinda a hidden area to most, those that did completely ignored her existence.
Adrien went to fencing and home without Y/N, which made him sad, finally his father allowed someone to be here with him 24/7 school, breakfast, dinner and places his father wouldn't be, Adrien entered his room. "Plagg after dinner if Y/N doesn't come back, we're looking for her" Adrien spoke sternly to his Kwami and he just nodded "yeah ok."
Marinette also planned to after dinner look for the girl, she couldn't handle the look of pain and almost heart break in Adrien's eyes when he couldn't find the girl. "Tikki, we have to search for her" Marinette pleaded "She could just have gone to her actual home" Tikki reasoned "She wouldn't ever, didn't you hear her mother?!" Tikki looked as if thinking for a moment "ok... fine after dinner" Tikki gave into her miraculous holder.
After the two miraculous holders ate their dinner they retired to their bedrooms only to quickly transform into their superhero selves.

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