Hunk's mom and dad were surprised, since they never really seen my ture form yet. But they kept their composure.

"Ai- I mean, Zurine. Sorry, we haven't gotten used to your real face just yet." Hunk's father said sheepishly.

I smiled, "It's fine. It will take some time. It took your son a while to get used to my ture form."

"Haha, and we're grateful that he turned out so well." Hunk's mom said happily, "Your father and I are just so proud of you, saving the universe and all. And Zurine, thank you for taking care of our son while out in space."

"It was my pleasure."

After talking for a few more minutes, and me grabbing something to eat, Hunk's parents left the room. But as they left the room, Lance came in with a cup of coffee, but something was strange with him.

He seemed, depressed and sad.

"Launching tomorrow." Hunk said as we sat at his table, "The big day. Ugh, it seems like forever ago when we piled into the Blue Lion and blasted out into space. Man, we had no idea what we were getting into!"

"Yeah." Lance said unenthusiastically as he swirled his drink with his spoon.

"But now it's different." Hunk continued, "We've seen it all. We're rugged veterans now, going back into battle one last time."

"Mm, yep."

"Guess that makes us heroes or something? Like the type of heroes that would uave their own TV show!" Hunk laughed, "Did you watch it, Lance? Ah, it's so cool! It's so cool. They got you spot-on, but Coran is like, he's all superstitious and stuff. And Allura is a little... I don't know, she's different. And Zurine, man, that show really tried but they couldn't capture the real you. Keith is friendly! He's happy all the time. I mean, they got it so wrong. Plus, i think they're hinting at some romance between him and Allura."

"What!?" Lance shouted, "Keith and Allura. No, it should be Lance and Allura! Plus he's got Zurine, why go after Allura!"

"Ooh, a love triangle. I like where you're taking this." Hunk said.

Lance calmed down a little and sat back down in his seat.

"Lance, is something wrong? You seem a little down." I asked.

"Sorry," he said.

"Wait, wait, wait, that's right. You said you were gonna ask Allura on a date." Hunk said surprising me.

"A date with Allura? When were you going to tell me?" I asked, happy that Lance was going to ask her. I could tell that he really loved Allura, and that Allura was slowly warming up to Lance.

"You asked her, didn't you? Oh, and she said no." Hunk said, "Oh, oh no. Here I am rubbjng your face in it."

"She didn't say no. I..." Lance said, looking down at his feet.

I knew exactly what he meant.

"You haven't asked her yet, have you?" I asked. Lance shook his head.

"You chickened out?" Hunk asked.

"I was going to ask her, but she's been spending, like, every day in the med bay. Maybe-- Maybe this just isn't the right time."

"No, Lance. What? It's the only time."

"Hunk is right, Lance." I said, "After tomorrow, we'll be back in space fighting the Galra. You should ask her today while you still have the chance."

"Yeah, what Zurine said. You're asking her today, and that is final, young man." Hunk said in an almost fatherly tone.

Lance still looked uncertain, but I could tell that he knew it was his last chance.

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