*Chapter One* {Pilot}

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Waking up and the first thing Claire Forbes does is race to the bathroom and empty anything that was in her stomach

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Waking up and the first thing Claire Forbes does is race to the bathroom and empty anything that was in her stomach. It wasn't exactly what she wanted to do the second she wakes up, though she should be used to it. It annoyed her to no end, she had wished the nausea would have left her at this point but here she is, still experiencing it.

She didn't know when her twin sister, Caroline, had joined her but when she finally lifted her head, she pouted to her older sister. Caroline smiled at her sympathetically as she let go of Claire's hair and stood up, offering her little sister a hand. Claire takes it and allows Caroline to help her off the floor.

"Now, get dressed, we need to get to school before class so that we can find Bonnie and Elena." Caroline ordered pointing at Claire before slipping out of the bathroom. Claire smiles at the thought of finding their friends.

The younger twin quickly brushes her teeth before going to her bedroom and climbed into some clothes. She then walked up to the full length mirror and smiled at her reflection before her eyes glanced down at her stomach. It was no longer flat and perfect like it once had, now it was curved and swollen.

Claire rubs it gently, a soft smile on her face and a small hint of fear in her heart. She turned away from the mirror and looked at her bedroom. Her bedroom used to be a typical teenage bedroom. Her bed used to be in the center of the wall. Pictures of her friends used to hang throughout the room.

Now, her bed was pushed to the side and her pictures were all on one wall or just taken down all together. On the other side of the room stands a crib, big enough for two. Her dresser drawers are cleaned out, her clothes shoved into the closet. Her large vanity now in Caroline's room, a smaller one in it's place.

"Claire, hurry up!" Caroline shouted from the living room. The younger twin snaps out of her thoughts, grab her backpack and joins her sister in walking out to the car.

"Care, do you think I'm fat?" Claire questioned looking at her sister. Caroline frowned her eyebrows and looked at her like she was being ridiculous.

"Baby, you have two humans growing inside of you. I'm surprised you're not bigger." Caroline told her with a shrug as she looked back onto the road. Claire looks down at her stomach. "Look on the bright side, you still have that glow to you. You're still as beautiful as ever." She said. Claire perked up a little bit and smiled at her sister.

"Thanks, Care-bear" Claire smiled at her. Caroline grinned at her sister.

"No problem, Baby Face." Claire rolled her eyes at the nick name she's had since the third grade but continued to smile. "Oh look, there's Bonnie's car" Caroline notes pulling into the school parking lot.

"Try not to be overwhelming, Caroline" Claire muttered.

"I'm not overwhelming, Baby, I just want to make sure my friend is ok." Caroline stated turning the car off. Claire nodded knowing this but also knew her sister could come off as a bit much, despite her honest intentions.

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