What The Hell Am I Missing?!

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    A sharp noise awoke me from my not so deep sleep. I unraveled the sheet from around my body and pushed myself into a sitting position. I'm positive that was fucking Leorio, so what was he doing? I can't trust that pig worth a damn. If I were to leave the dorm for more than two days, the dorm would surely be in shambles. 

    "DAMN!" I shouted in distress. I just wanted to sleep! 

    "Hooneeyyy, is that yoouu?" Leorio's annoying voice shouted throughout the house. That fucker is on my last damn nerve. 

     I pushed my weight off of the bed and into a sitting position. "Yes, it's me, honey, when are we getting that divorce?" Hopefully he'd say today.

    "Today. In about two hours actually." He replied as if this was just common knowledge everyone should know. 

    "What do you mean?"

    "Do you not remember? In that case, may I also remind you that you have a class today in about... Twenty-seven minutes." His dumb cackle followed.

    "I remember that, but thanks for telling me."

    "I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not..." 

    I sighed and facepalmed, giving up on bringing my face out of my hand and just relaxing in that position. "I don't think I could ever thank you for anything." I mumbled through my palm and fingers, then bringing my face out of my hand because my neck was beginning to ache.

    "Get ready for your class." 

    I don't know why I was so angry today, but I'm sure it definitely started with Leorio. He still hadn't told me what was going on either. Fuck, I'll just find out later from Gon.

     I got myself dressed because some asshole made it the norm to get dressed every, grabbed my supplies, and headed to my class where I'd have such fun.


     Once I had arrived at the class, clad in a bag for note taking and the usual everyday attire, I pulled out one of the uncomfortable seats. Relaxing and waiting for the rest of the students and professor to join. In this class though, the professor was a wack-job. She had more tardies than the class' combined effort.

      As if I had traveled into time, most of the class had arrived, at least those of which would be participating, and the professor was MIA. Some students began to mumble out of which seemed to be the most common emotion at the moment, frustration. 

     "I have a house to clean. I can't stay here everyday waiting for this asshole," One mumbled quite shamelessly. 

     Another joined in, yet was arguing, "Yeah, but can you imagine having over 200 students? That's a ridiculous amount of work."

     And yet another idiot that probably liked the sound of their own voice joined in. I had only listened in on one sentence though, "If you don't like the conditions, then maybe you should quit the class. Life doesn't stop for you nor anyone else." By the time they finished, I had long since stopped eavesdropping.

     As if on cue, a door slammed wide open, silence rushing over the crowd. Students rushed to their seats. Everyone took out items they would need for class. Usually it contained a pencil. If that. 

     This was one of the professors that fell into a very unique category, because they were well, unique. She stood in front of the classroom with the cheesiest grin ever. Her hands on her hips, a stance to conquer whatever she faced. "Today we aren't doing the usual, today we're going to be building. Please put away your pencils and pens, they won't be needed."


      Sluggishly, I pulled my way through the rest of the day. After having a relentless class with that wack-job, I was not ready to do anything. In fact, I'm not even sure why I got up this morning...

      The building in which dorms were started to slowly become larger and larger as I walked closer and closer, until I was in front of the main entrance. What Leorio had said earlier had been on repeat in my head. I don't remember anything happening today?

     I pulled the doors open, walking through with an intense feeling of excitement coursing through my veins. I don't remember what I'm missing, but I have a feeling it'll be fun.

     For some odd reason, today I felt more in tune with everything than other days. After not paying a sliver of attention to my surroundings, I noticed now that other people lived in the dorms. And they commuted through the hallways just like Gon, Leorio, Kurapika and I did.

     Nevertheless, I ignored them all as if today wasn't a change. Went up through the floors with the aid of an elevator, and found myself in my house-- dorm. I examined the room. It was different.


     Exhibit A: It didn't smell like pig. Exhibit B: It was neat. Exhibit C: Half of the shit was out of the house. Where? When? How?
     My phone was in my pocket. I have to ask that Rioleo bastard what he did. I quickly pulled my phone out and looked through my contacts for that bastard's number. Tapping on the contact and chuckling to myself because I gave him the worst contact photo ever.

    Ring one... Ring two... Ring three... Pick up. "I left, what more do you want from me?" His tone sounded like it was pleading me to calm my roll.

    "Where the hell are you? Your shit is non-existent. At least not here it isn't."

     He giggled through the phone and sighed, "Are you really that thick-headed? I moved out. Remember, Gon told you a few months back? You got the application filled out and everything."

    As the puzzle started to become a picture, I felt sort of dumb. "Oh... Yeah. Okay, bye."

    I heard a 'no, wait-' but hung up anyways. He seriously lives down a floor, if he can't bring his ass up here then I don't need 'em.

    On the contrary of wanting to leave my phone alone, it started to ring once again. Bet it's that bastard asking to converse because he misses me. I leaned over my phone, gazing at who the contact was.

     It read Gon. Well, at least he's worth my time. I slid the green across the screen and brought the phone up to my ear.



A/N: I fucking hate that pun I unintentionally slipped in there.

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