"L" (Look)

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     Killua's thighs were starting to slip from sweaty hands. From my fear of dropping my beloved soulmate, I repositioned him around my waist. I felt that stupid familiar heat rise to my cheeks once again. 

     "Where are we going, Gon?" Killua asked, wringing his slim fingers through my spiky hair.

     "Wanna... Go to my r-room?" I asked, studdering along the way from nervousness.

     He sighed before kissing my cheek, leaving a heated feeling there, besides the heat that was obviously making me feel awkward. "Sure, calm down." He calmly demanded, hugging me.

    I felt him turn his face into my neck and then turn it back into the open. "You really can't stand even the SMELL of cigarettes?" 

    He immediately said, "I can't fucking STAND it." 

    "I enjoy your warmth though," I whined, enjoying just holding Killua.

    "I enjoy non-smokers. The world keeps turning, we keep fucking. It's all the same."

    I laughed, feeling myself blush as well. I balanced Killua on my wavering arm as I steadily tried to push the elevator button. When I finally pushed it I let out a breath I didn't remember holding. "Fuck yeah..." I muttered under my breath, feeling accomplished from holding my Killua and pushing the elevator button without dropping or letting him slip.

    "It's okay if you let me down, y'know that, right?" Killua asked, hugging me tighter. I heard the elevator ding, walking in.

    "Yeah. But I don't want to. You're light, it doesn't bother me one bit!" I reassured, smiling brightly so that he could see that I was fine.

    I saw the process of him realizing what I had just said. His face lit up, then following was his cheeks becoming a dark shade of red. Maybe that's the shade I love. Maybe blue isn't what I imagined as the shade of love. It's red, the shade of love is red, red signifying equality and passion.

    "I would so bang you right now." I mumbled, cautious of other people on the campus who weren't "friendly".

    "You talk a lot for someone who's never going to do it." Killua mumbled back, raising an eyebrow and lightly punching my elbow.

    "You would never let me." I challenged.

    He laughed before stating his comeback. "Maybe I will..."

    Silence is what followed after his sentence. I pushed my clearly blushing face into his chest, shaking my head in the process. When did I become the bashful one? 

    He patted my back, laughing who doing it, making my esteem feel MIGHTY HIGH. The elevator announced we were on the bottom floor, people's step being heard around us. I lifted my face out of his chest and walked forward, leaving the awkward situation in the small elevator.

    "Hey, when we get to my room can you possibly open the door. I don't want to drop you." I asked, giving him a sheepish smile.

    He nodded his head, opening and closing the door when we arrived at my room. "Okay, it's bang time!" I yelled, lunging at Killua's lips.

    I almost reached my final destination before he stopped my movement with his cockblock of a hand. "Stop right there, cowboy." He laughed, squiggling out of my arms so we were almost eye-to-eye. I was still taller than him.

    "Kinky.~" I teased. Inside I didn't want to be called that, but if it was for Killua I'd dress up like a Teletubby if that's what his poison was.

    "Not what I meant." 

    "I like that connotation though." I joked, slumping my head to the side.

    "That's not what I like, for your information." 

    I celebrated inside, giddy that he wasn't some weird kinky fucker. "LET'S FUCK!" I shouted, getting myself "excited".

    "Yeah. Let's." He said, walking over to the couch and sitting down, crossing his legs on top of the couch. 

    "But. But you said. Hey!" I whined, jogging over to him, pointing at my room.

    "That's not how you start it." He blankly stated, fumbling around and looking through the couch.

    "How would you know?" I asked, crossing my arms the same way I always do.

    "Think about it." He demanded, smiling while holding up a remote, slamming his body back down onto the couch.

    I thought really intently, feeling stupid when I had gotten my answer. "With who?" I asked, leaning over the back of the couch.

    "A couple girls. Never thought I was gay, but there's a first for everything I guess." 

    The channels flickered past at a fast speed, my eyes watching with blindness. "Jokes on you. I-I. I... Damn." I muttered, letting my once pointed finger fall to my side as it once was when I realized I was a virgin.

    "I can teach you." He stated, standing up and walking over to me, his arms wrapping around my neck. My sense today were sensitive, my attentiveness to my surroundings being off the charts. So when his hot breath touched my cold ear, I couldn't deny the way I felt.


One Shade of Love (KilluGon/GonKillu HxH)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora