"E" (Even More)

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     I breathed in my scene, loving and enjoying every moment. Yes. Even enjoying the idiot I'm stuck with for the rest of my life. Gon, the work of art. We'll just call him an abstract for the sake of argument.

     The Festival of Lights was my favorite event in our coast city. The lights streams would line all of the houses, malls, and even docks. It was an annual thing I'd never cease to go to.
     "This is so badass." Gon commented in awe as he circled around.

     "I'm not lame. I hope you know I'm not one of those people who walk around a store all day and call it fun..." I told him as I pulled him further along the stoned pathway.
     He scoffed and pulled his arm swiftly out of my hand. "That wasn't what I was implying."

     "Lets go to the dock!" I shouted as I was already running to the scene that I enjoyed the most.
     "Won't it be so cold over by the ocean?" He paused and a look of concern was shown on his face.
     "Yes. Now let's go." I urged and pointed in the direction of my subaquatic home. He shook his head in disagreement and pointed back to city while nodding his head 'yes'. "Why don't you want to come to the dock with me?" I asked in annoyance.

     I like the dock. Unlike some people.

     He gestured for me to come closer, I complied and scooted closer. I felt his hand cut around my ear as his hot breath raised goosebumps on my previously cold skin. "I... Don't wanna get shocked by all the blue again. It's too beautiful. It reminds me of you."

     The atmosphere was freezing. But my face was very heated from Gon's nonchalant comment. "You're eighteen. You'll be fine, so stop acting like a child."

     "When you say it like that, it makes me sound like a baby." Gon puffed his cheeks and crossed arms.

      "It was unintentional."

      "Promise?" He asked.

      I didn't get the memo on why he'd say that at a time like this. I just wanted to go to the dock. "Promise," I assured, "Now let's go!"

     I outstretched my hand backwards in Gon's direction, hoping to meet his hand in return. His hand never met mine which made me question on if he was even behind me, walking towards the lights in the same direction I was. I stopped moving my legs forward and turned around, hoping to see Gon's lovely smile... Or frown, whichever he has, in front of my greedy eyes.

     I was delighted to see that my Gon was still behind myself. Shivering with teeth chattering. "You okay?" I asked as he furrowed his eyebrows ever so slightly, but with my sharp eyes I detected it.

     He shook his head and upturned his beautiful smile. "I'm fine. I've just never been in an area so cold. Don't worry about me," His words of reassurance were the only things that urged me to move on. He'd be fine. Don't worry. 

     Why am I so worried about him?

     Before I hated him.

     Now he's a lifeline.

     Is this what love does to you?

     Am I weaker or stronger?

     I jumped in response to a hand on my shoulder. Gon. "I'll be fine." He assured yet again and grabbed my clothed wrist from outside of my jacket pocket. He looked at my hand as he slowly pulled out his own. "Carry on now, shall we?" He asked in the most disgusting British accent I had yet to hear.

    To hide my disgust, I laughed. But it was only the most free laugh I had let him hear since the moment we met. "We shall," I responded as I inched closer to his warm body, as for someone freezing right now, he was very warm.

    I had expected to see plenty more people walking down the streets on this day. This was the first day of the Festival of Lights, which lasted a whole week, but to my satisfaction, there were only small groups of people here and there.

     Arriving at the snow covered dock was my favorite part of the night... So far. I walked on it slowly, the snow crunching loudly under my feet, and from doing this so many times, I could just imagine the ice forming under my feet on every light step. 

     Once I made it across the dock, I turned around and shouted to Gon. "C'mon! It's not getting any warmer, y'know."

     He flipped me off and set off on an even slower pace than mine. His steps were very uncoordinated which made me worry if he would slip or not. "I'm here!" He exclaimed as he took the last step. I didn't realize that I had spaced out until he planted a kiss on my cheek. "Thanks for making me walk that trail of suicide."

     I covered the steaming kiss with my hand and looked at him. "No problem. You know I'm always here for ya'."

     He giggled and turned away, as did I. I glanced over the beautiful ocean, ships lights gleaming from miles away. They say that you can always see 17 miles out into the ocean, so how far away are the ships? I skimmed over the water, finding an unsurmountable feeling of happiness from seeing lanterns fly up into the sky.

     Was it already nine? It's so early, I thought we'd get here later. I felt that it was key to see Gon's reaction to this, because I had given him very vague details on what would happen. He looked up, awestruck I'd hoped, as his light lit up from nearby lanterns being let go from behind us.

     "Grab it," I told Gon as he looked at me in question, "Just do it,"

     He grabbed it turning it around, and sideways. Reading the lanterns was always my favorite part, and the dock always had this one lantern that you could grab. He read the lantern aloud, "Dear grandmother, we miss you dearly. We hope you are doing fine wherever your soul may be. Your grandchildren are being wonderful students and I am doing lovely. When you read this, please smother the flame and sent it back down. I hope to find it. Love, your daughter."

     "Is this some sort of tradition?" Gon asked as he let the lantern go, it floating away and slowly going higher.

     "Yes, it is. People do it to honor their loved ones who have passed. They give instruction in the note because they don't want the souls to leave them burning in such a bright place for too long, it would blind them," I explained as Gon nodded his head in understanding.

A/N: Fun fact: I used to send up lanterns every night with my brother on the memorial week on my step dad's passing. We always wrote notes too. I have NO idea where those lanterns are now.

One Shade of Love (KilluGon/GonKillu HxH)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum