Goofy Expressions

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     I shot Killua a soft smile and he immediately grimaced, a slight blush making it's way slowly across his face. Did what I say disturb him? "Why do you look so mad yet happy?" I slowly questioned him while I was trying to figure out a way to ask what was on my mind to not offend him.

     "I'm just shocked is all..." He explained, putting the palm of his hand on his forehead and making a pained expression.

     I asked yet another obvious question since the last one hadn't really explained much to me. "About what? The shoes? I mean, I guess they're pretty nice, I didn't know they were that nice... But whatever floats your boat." As I rambled on and on I had noticed that Killua looked happier and was smiling with a genuine smile.

     "Well, I had originally thought that you had known me so well considering you knew what shoes I was going to pick out. Turns out that I was wrong though..." He shrugged his shoulders and made his lip look pouty. 

     I smiled and raised my eyebrows and leaned so that he was able to see me out of the corner of his eye. I didn't say anything, just focusing on keeping a goofy grin on my face so he would talk to me.

     "Stop with that weird facial expression." He said and stopped his own stupid expression.

     "All done!" I raised my hands in front of me and tenderly smiled again.

     "Have you always smiled this much?" He pondered while sitting on one of the shoe stand tables, staring down at his newly bought shoes.

     I gave my answer a lot of consideration before answering carefully. "Not until I met you."

     He jerked his head to the side and scratched the back of his head while sheepishly stuttering, "I-idiot. That's embarrassing. Don't say that here." 

     "But it's true!" I shouted while raising my hands.

     "But it's embarrassing!" Killua mimicked me, also raising his hands into the air while shouting.

     "Don't ever do that again. You don't look right when you're excited. It looks creepy." I scratched my chin and closed my eyes giving Killua one of my signature grins.

     "Yeah, you're probably right." He said and laid his hands into his lap with his head down.

     "Now I'm going to go look in the store for shoes, is that okay with you?" I asked and he waved his hand.

     "Leave me to my lonesome. I'll be alright..." 

     "Bye! I'll see you later! Well, in like five minutes. Don't miss me too much!" I waved after his and he just threw his arm at me, still connected, resulting in it falling to his side.

     I looked through every part of the store but nothing seemed to quench my needs. I settled on black Converse, that were ankle high, but they still left a hole that I felt was very apparent. Maybe it was just my style of clothes that was incompatible with the shoes.

     I purchased the shoes and showed them to my friend. He agreed that seemed unfitting for someone like me so that had made me feel quite discouraged. I roamed around the huge store, searching for the missing piece to my puzzle, making searching for clothes seem like a soap opera.

      I searched for days. Just kidding. It's been about five minutes since I bought the shoes. I just have an overactive imagination. After searching for about fifteen minutes for the solution to the gaping hole in my heart Killua had cut my trip short, saying that what I was looking for probably wasn't at this store.

     I nodded my head in complete agreement since I had no other plausible leads. Instead Killua took me to a Vans shop, telling me to explore. I left him again, searching for whatever I felt was necessary to seek for. After looking in there for a while I stormed out while pulling Killua along with me.

     He tried to pull me off but ended the fight with him not succeeding. I felt pity on his soul so I slightly loosened my grip on his wrist, giving him an opening. Instead of using that opening, to my surprise he punched me in the jaw, then pulling his wrist out if my grabby hands.

     "I'm free." He celebrated and laughed while patting my back, rubbing his small victory in my face.

     "Woo hoo." I exaggerated the first part while raising one of my fists and shaking it since the other was too occupied with sooting my jaw.

     "Where do you want to go?" He asked while sitting on a nearby bench.

     I looked around the store and found a store that had an okay style. I pointed to it and walked in, not caring enough to check the name of the store. I found several things that I liked from this store and so did Killua apparently because he had quite a number of shirts, pants, and other things I didn't know the name of.

     I carefully chose my clothes though, being on a tight budget does do things to you. 

A/N: Soap opera quality stories found here on my page. <( ̄︶ ̄)↗

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