Ooooh, Pizza!

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     After we had at long last, finished our trek through the mall the time was somewhere around six I assumed. Doubting myself, I unlocked my phone to find that it was 6:34 P.M. Damn I'm good. I glanced over at Gon to see him staring in through the doors that you enter the mall in.

     "You're really going to miss that hell?" I asked him, louder than my usual quiet voice.

     "No." Was all he state before turning around and walking away. "Oh, fuck. We have to carry this shit all around with us now."


     "Who cares!?" Gon shouted. "I got new clothes," He smirked and continued to walk.

     "Dumbass, you don't even know where to go." I claimed and he shook his head no, objecting what I had said.

     "You smell that?" He asked and I turned up my nose, trying to smell what he was, but only getting a faint scent of baked goods. Ooooh, pizza!

     "I do! What direction is it from? I want to test my theory and see if you're correct or not." I laid all of my rambled thoughts in Gon's lap, expecting a reasonable response from him.

     He laughed before pointing to the west. "That way!"

     I gasped and clapped, exclaiming my pleasure in his accomplishments of gaining that terrific sense of smell, and directing us where to go in the right direction. "How did you gain such a good sense of smell?" I wondered while leading us in the direction he told us to, making turns when we had to.

     "I grew up in mountains, you kind of have to be able to smell if something's gone bad or is ripe." He said and shrugged his shoulders. "It's nothing special."

     "It's cool." I commented before showing him the pizza place we'd been anticipating to go to all day.

     He choked before laughing. "That's such a little house! It's cute!"

     "Shut up dude, let's go!" I grabbed ahold of his sweaty wrist and pulled him into the pizza joint, the door closing behind us with a small ring of the bell. I walked up to the table where you register for guests and told her we were just a small party of two.

     She smiled before leading us to a booth. "Order when you're ready." She said and walked away without another word.

     "What kind of pizza do you want?" Gon asked while wowing at every pizza he saw. "They're all so much bigger than I had expected!" 

     "Yep." Was my plain ass response. My vanilla response. My salty response. Everything plain response.

     "I want a good pizza, so you pick since I have no idea what any of them are going to be like." He shoved the menu into my face and I sat it down, already having a pizza in my mind. "What'd you pick?" 

     "It's a se-cret." I teased and Gon frowned

     "You and your secrets can go fuck off. Fuck away." He explained while wrapping his thumbs together during the last part with his hands turned around, resembling a butterfly

     "We leave. No pizza." I threatened and Gon slumped down into the booth.

     "I'm tired." Gon complained and closed his eyes.

     I stood up in the booth and clappped, demanding that he get up before he falls asleep. He subtly groaned under his breath and I felt his pain. I was a little drowsy as well. 

     A waiter walked up to out table, holding a small notebook in her hand, her hand posed ready to take on orders. "What can I get you to drink?" She beamed, her voice not fitting the way she looked.

     Gon had asked for some weird juice thing and I got a water. Shortly the lady dropped off our drinks, returning to her job, shashaying away. Or something in that category. Once she was out of sight, Gon and I continued our dumb conversations, swaying on and off of categories that made no sense, and didn't matter.

     "How many shades of colors do you think there are?" I pondered, tapping my cheek with my index finger and leaning on my fist.

     "Colors are like a bottomless pit, there's no end to them. I don't even think that we can see a great range of colors like other animals can, so my answer is.... Twelve." Gon looked at me while saying that and choked when he was done, squeezing his eyes closed.

     I snickered and Gon joined in, his efforts of being serious failing in the end and our annoying laughter echoing through the small shop. Gon laid his head into the table, banging it with his hand. I brought my knees to my chest and hid my face inside of the crack, laughing but concealing it.

     I eventually ended my laughter and looked up at Gon who was observing his nails, looking more interested in them than me. The waiter came by once again and asked us what pizza we wanted to order. I told her the order and Gon looked confused, pizza slang still being new to him. (Pizza slang.)

A/N: I got into this chapter. P.S. The song up there has been stuck in my head ALL DAY. I wanted to torture you guys with it. ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧

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