Everything Blue

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     My second day at this college was going to be one spent on exploring-- exploring the shade of blue. I ran out of my dorm and ran all the way to Killua's dorm. I knocked on the door, feeling very impatient who hopping up and down on my legs, rotating between the left and right ones.

     Killua opened the door, leaning on the doorway while rubbing his eyes. "What do you want? It's like twelve P.M. It's too early for this, Gon."

     "You just got a new color to see right? Gold right? And the other shades of it, right? Let's go explore the new colors now. I want to see blue, you want to see gold. Follow me. C'mon, c'mon, let's goooo."

     He simply groaned and almost turned that fateful groan into a blood curdling scream. "Fine. Fine. Let me get dressed." He raised his hands in front of his face and waved them.

     He closed the door in front of me and I stood there waiting for him. While I was waiting I may have done some pre-exploring. I looked around and touched the walls. Originally they were gray but now I noticed that they were a dark blue, close to black almost. I poked the walls seeing how different blue was from every other color in the rainbow spectrum.

     I figured it wasn't that different at first, and found out that it wasn't that different at all, at least from what I've seen. It was a very beautiful color though. I think that this was going to be my favorite of them all. It brings a melancholy feel to me.

     After touching the walls uncontrollably for a little while I heard the door creak, signalling someone had opened it.

     "You re-... Where you touching the walls?" Killua looked quite surprised even though we all know he really shouldn't be that surprised.

    "They're blue, correct?" I turned towards his direction and he nodded his head yes. "I wanted to see if blue was different." 

     "What do you mean 'different'?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

     "Just different, I guess. I assume it's not very special, but..."

     "Wait 'till we go outside then." He started walking and I rushed after him.

     "Is it really that special?" My curiosity was piqued by this interesting, new color so I obviously wanted to know everything about it.

     "Well, a lot of things are blue. I would tell you what things are blue, but I don't feel up to spoiling it for you." He shoved his hands into his front pocket and walked even faster.

     "You seem eager too. Even though I just met you, I know that you never really rush anywhere... You want to see the color brown that bad?! I'm so siked to see your reaction." 


     Very soon after we had arrived at the doors that exit the dorms. I took a deep breath in and charged out of the dorms. I looked around and in my peripheral vision I saw blue. I looked up and almost fainted.

     I had always thought the sky was actually grey, not just a side affect of love. I lost control of my originally steady breathing and took a step back. I took another step back, tripping over my foot. It's so... Beautiful. 

     My vision started getting blurry and I felt tears roll down my face. It was so overwhelming. Killua on the other hand was looking at a garden, sticking his hand into the brown soil and... Rubbing it in his hands?

     "You like it?" I shouted and he dropped the soil, blushing a little bit. He shook his hands off and sauntered over to me.

     "Says the one who tripped over his own feet." He stuck his tongue out and I did the same.

     "Whatever. At least the color blue is more prominent than brown." I muttered.

     "You're the one who couldn't see it your whole life, did you seriously think the sky was grey?" He sat beside me and brought his knees up to his chest.

     "Pfft. N-... Yeah." 

     "I have more things to show you. Get up." He got up and stuck out his hand for me to grab. I grabbed it and he pulled me up, proving to be stronger than he looked.

     We walked until we reached a main street and Killua waved for a taxi. A taxi pulled over and we opened the doors, sliding over the leather seats. 

     "Take us to the dock." Killua said nonchalantly but I was in shock.

     "The ocean's... Blue?" I felt like my heart was going to explode, learning all of this was so overwhelming and exciting. 

     "TAXI'S SEATS ARE BROWN?! I LIKED THE WHITE THAT I HAD ORIGINALLY SAW BETTER!" Killua shouted while running his hands through his pale hair.

     "Sir, are you alright?" The driver asked not sounding worried at all.

     "He's just experiencing new colors. He's fine. Hehe." I tried directing attention off of Killua but he was freaking out.

     "Ahh. Young love. I figured that's what it was but I have to ask since taxi drivers regulations state we have to ensure passengers safety at all times." He stated.

     "Oh... 'Kay. Thanks for the info." I mumbled and returned my attention to the freaking out Killua.

     "Hey! Calm down. Don't worry about the color of the taxi." I patted his shoulder and he turned his head to face mine.

     "Yellow doesn't go with brown, Gon. You don't understand." If looks could kill, I'd be slaughtered.

     I left him alone and he set his head down on the window, a soft thud echoing through the car. As we rode I stared out the window. A lot of cars were blue here. We arrived at the dock, cutting me short of my sight-seeing tour.

    "That'll be 5,172 jenny." He outstretched his hand.

     "5,172 JENNY?! YOU KIDDING ME?!" Killua shouted.

    "Take the ride, you pay the fine."

     "Whatever dude." Killua handed him the money with a deathly glare and I found that it was vital to stay quiet around Killua if I wished to survive.

     We hopped out of the taxi and it drove off with a skid of it's tires. I waved good bye and we continued out journey.

One Shade of Love (KilluGon/GonKillu HxH)Where stories live. Discover now