"When did you woke up? You should have waken me too".

"I-i just woke up like few minutes ago myself and you were sound asleep so I didn't wanted to ruin your sleep plus we still have an hour to go to the main camp".

"Alright. Should we head first there? Or should we wait for an hour?", Taehyung asked.

"We can go early if you like. Let's change first then we should leave".


With that Jungkook went in first to change after 5 minutes he came fully dressed soon after him Taehyung came too few minutes later fully dress. They carried their small bag around their back and started walking.

"So who always win this competition?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"It's the Tom and Harry duo. The foreigner. They're really good at it plus the difference between 1st and 2nd place is always so high".

"You aren't the one who win?", Taehyung asked confused.

Jungkook laughed softly. "Nooo....what makes you think that I'll be the one on top?"

"Well you were so excited about this camp trip and all plus you're quite popular in university".

Jungkook smiled at older's comment then replied "Sure I was excited but I was excited because Yugy and I enjoy the trip. We do missions of course but we manage to get 4th or 5th position so we are good to go and I'm famous because I'm a good athlete but you yourself are getting quite popular in university in such a small span of time"

"Well I'm not good of an athlete and by far I didn't do anything or contributed in any field. I still don't know why they talk about me?", Taehyung said matter of factually.

"Because you're handsome and your presence is very eye-catching", Jungkook replied and blushed immediately after what he said. Of course there's no lie on what he said but what if older will think about him as a weirdo or maybe a pervert. Noo.. No... That's not good...

"You think so?", Taehyung asked with a slight twitch on his lip which younger assume maybe he was controlling his grin or wide smile which was exactly true as older was trying so hard not to smile like a 5 year old boy who just got his favorite lollipop.

"Umm y-yeah... T-that's w-what I heard in university from everyone", Jungkook stuttered.

Myth | TaeKook/VKook - (Werewolf) [COMPLETED] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now