Will extended his hand to give her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "It's gonna be alright. Anything you can tell me about where it is."

"I found it in the woods north of the town."

"Thank you. I promise I will find this thing. And when I do it will never harm this town or it's people ever again." He stood up and looked determined into her eyes as he exited out the door.

It was nearing night time in the small town. Will was grabbing his hear and heading out into the forest to find this thing.

He walked for nearly ten minutes in the forest before he asked Quasar.

"Anything else you can tell me on Windego's."

"Wait you actually believe this thing is a real Windego?" The AI said form inside hai helmet.

"No, but I think that this corrupted Gem may have been what started the myth. The native people probably saw it hundreds of years ago and mistook it for this Wjndego, of the Gem is the original and they made the Windego after it." Will replied.

"Fair point, corrupted gems have certainly been around enough for some legends to have been made around them."

"Anything else you can tell me about it."

"Well wendigo's have been known to have extreme speed and strength as well as enhanced senses."

"Well this isn't gonna be easy." Will said.


Will then spotted a set of tracks on the ground to the right of him. He walked over and knelt down.

"This looks like a body was drafted through here." Quasar said.

"As well as something large and most definitely not human." Will said pointing to another set of lritns alongside the drag mark.

"There is blood over there." Quasar said.

Will then walked over to it and turned in his helmet lights. He put this armored finger in the small pool and examined it.

"This is still fresh." He said.

"Meaning this thing has been here recently." Quasar finished.

He got back up and followed the trail. Grabbing a B55 battle rifle off his back.

He continued the trail until it lead to a open patch, where it just abruptly stopped.

"It just ends?" Will said.

He looked on the ground for a few moments before Quasar spoke up.

"Ummm...I think I found where they went." Quasar said as Will looked upward and his jaw dropped.

Humdreds of bodies hanging from the trees. Showing various stages of decay and consumption. Bones littered the ground under them.

"This has been going on a lot longer than a few years."
"Contact." Quasar said.

Will looked over to a part of the clearing. There was a figure moving over there. It had pale white skin and fur that couldn't be seen at night. It was snacking on a body that was most definitely dead considering it's head was no longer attached.

Will be in a low crouch behind a bush. He liked up a shot on the corrupted gem and get it's head in his cross hairs. He pulled the trigger, and three rifle bullets left in a rapid succession. He could almost see them travel to their target. Before in the blink of an eye looked at him and jumped out of the way.

"How did it do that?" Will said.

"Incoming!" Quasar said.

Will felt something smashingly him, knocking him back a good few feet and knocking the wind out of him. He looked up at hai shield bar to see it was at 33 percent.

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