09 - Thieves at my house

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The rest of the day at school was pretty calm. No rushing into guys, no guys rushing into me. Just an actual normal quiet day. With the exception of Patty's non-stop talk about the party.

When we were already in her car on the way to my place, she decided to bring up the subject. Again. "Ok, so what are you gonna wear? I was thinking that I would do my make-up like..." And Patty, being Patty, started to explain step by step how she would get her make-up done.

And I, being me, not understanding half of the names she was using. Like for example primer and eye primer (if they both are primers why use two instead of one?), BB cream (why would you want to use blueberry ice cream on your face?), lip pencil (so now lips get to have their own pencils?), and many more.

But that got me thinking: what would I wear? I don't really have 'costumes', even though I really liked Halloween while I was a kid. Being able to get free candy for a whole night without your mother being able to say no? Damn, it was amazing!


I decided that I would choose my costume once I got home. Which wasn't that far away anyway.

"So what do you think?" Patty suddenly asked. Wait she has seriously been talking about her make-up during this whole time? Damn it, I wasn't listening. So I quickly responded with the first thing that came to my head. "Sounds great, girl!" Please don't notice, please don't notice, please don't notice...

"I know, right?! Boy, I'm so excited!" She kept on talking for a little while until she stopped the car in front of my house.

"I'll pick you up around 8:30 pm ok? Ben's house is on the opposite side of town so it will take us some time to get there." She said. I grabbed my bag and opened the door. "Ok. See you later then." I replied stepping outside of her car. "See ya." She said. I closed the door of her car and she drove off my street.

I walked to my door. Once I put the key on the lock I noticed that it was already unlocked. It was not my mother, because she only arrives home at 6:30 pm and it was only 5 pm.

Oh god...

Were there thieves in my house?! Ok, Caroline. You just gotta open the door. And be prepared for the worse. Try to make it to the attic. Maybe they won't find you there.

I slowly opened the door. No sign of thieves. But that didn't mean they weren't there. I carefully placed my keys on the table next to the door.

Now, many people are known for making not-so-good decisions in moments of panic. And I don't escape that societal standard. Because at that moment, I thought it was a great idea if I just grabbed a big jar that my mom had placed on the same table and that would be my weapon.

So there I was. Walking around my house with a jar in my hands like it was a freaking lightsaber and Darth Vader was coming after me.

When I arrived in the kitchen, I noticed that there was a box of cookies opened and almost empty next to the sink. Yup, there was definitely someone else there.

I took a step to analyze the box. Again: moments of panic lead to not-so-good decisions. I stayed in the kitchen for a little while. The thieves had already been there.

So when I was looking outside of the window, I was totally not prepared for a pair of strong hands to just grab my shoulders and for a person from behind me just starting to shout. "Ahhhhhhhh!"

And, because I got freaking scared, I suddenly dropped the jar on the floor and started shouting too. "Ahhhhhhhh!" But then after we both stopped shouting I covered my face while he just started laughing.

"Not funny, Joseph," I mumbled still with my hands trembling on my face. "Yes funny! You should have seen yourself!" He said between laughs. "Oh, I'm Luke Skywalker. I'ma Jedi. And I have a lightsaber jar." He said making a high pitchy nosey voice.

Me, Myself and IKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat