Your in my World Now, Not Your World chapter 17

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WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE we are on the home stretch of the story. Stay tuned for a... just an ending. I was going to put an adjective there, but I really don't know how to describe it.

The video above is amazing and will be used in the chapter.

T.W. Blood, M.W.2, biting, poison.

     I went to the light side of the mind once more around 5:30 when I knew they were sitting at the kitchen table having a lovely family dinner. I told Remus to cancel dinner, but he tried telling me about some kind of thing. I think it's called a burger? I don't know. Where in the world would we get a burger from anyway. All we have is oatmeal.

     I could hear my footsteps echo off the bare, cold walls as I walked the dark and creaky halls. Clip, clop, clip, clop. My breathing was intense. Should I go through with this? I mean, if they are gone, Thomas will loose his life. Is revenge on some figments of Thomas's imagination worth getting Thomas in trouble? If Thomas dies, then I die with them.

    After much thought, I just decided to scare them out of their pants, then torcher them to almost death, but then leave them there till they heal. So basically hurt them extremely bad, but still have enough strength to keep Thomas alive.

     I still don't know. What if the baby grows up and finds out how bad of a person I am. Thankfully, in the mind palace if no one takes care of the baby, the mind palace does it for the care taker. The counter up and feed, change, and live the baby.

     So, during this time that I have been basically dead and off doing whatever, the orange child is safe. As much as I have been off. I live that kid. Why haven't I been there to protect him then? It's not like I was to stressed or anything. Taking care of children calms me.

     I walked right into the kitchen and everyone attention turned towards me. I looked at the four sides, but instead of Virgil sitting in his chair, IT WAS REMUS!!! "Hello Remus, what a surprise to see you here. What are you doing here and why aren't you over in the dark side of the mind?"

    Instead of answering my question, Remus decided to gasp in aw. I realize that he has yet learned of my new abilities. He is hanging with the light sides so might as well just inviolate him too.
     "In case anyone was wondering, I, Deceit Sanders has gained my powers and will now use it to pay." I flicked my hands and yellow flames hovered over them like I was doing a magic show.

     Patton stepped back with a solemn look on his face. Roman drew his sword, and Remus pulled out his spike ball with slight hesitation and concern in his eyes. Though something was off about Logan.

     He just stood there with awe and disbelief. Before he could say or do anything though, I turned there nightmare into a reality.

     Inspired by an animation that a person made a while back, I bit Patton on the arm and slithered away. I quickly constructed a room like the one in the flick.

     There was green smoke everywhere and a glowing yellow throne. Virgil, unsurprisingly though, was still missing and taking his place in this was... Remus?

      He responded with the same dislodge that was in the video. The fun part about the video is that either way I win.

"Your in my world now, not your world. And I got friends on the other side." I continued singing and the spirits behind me joined in. Soon Roman came in with Logan and his sword and sang his part.

      "This vampire bat, this inhuman beast. Outta be locked up and never relisted."

     Everything was going according to plan, until it was time for Remus to turn his soul over to me. I stopped the song because I remembered that if you take a dark side soul, they become more darkly powerful and that would make him stronger than me. The only reason it worked with Virgil is because he is just a negative trait, not a dark side.

     "Bring me Virgil." I say and Roman gets tense. "When is the last time we heard from Virgil or seen him?" Roman turned to Logan with confusion and concern. "It has been awhile and he hasn't been eating either. They bothered dashed off picking up Patton and running to Virgil's room.

     Remus then decided to talk to me. "What did I do wrong Deceit? What did they do wrong?" We finally get what we want and you decide to go ahead and throw it all away." I was confused at this particular statement. "What do you mean?" I ask.

     "Well for starters, you can speak the truth. From watching your brain waves, I know that is one of the things you wanted. Secondly, we get to have real dinner. Patton made us burgers and you BIT HIM TO DEATH!" I was so confused at this point. "They do not like us Remus. We are not even allowed on this side of the mind without being tortured, let alone eating. And a burger? Why would they make us something so delicious?"

     "Because, when you passed out from them not taking care of you, they decided to make us rooms on this side of the mind and include us in meals and gatherings. The only thing that they won't like us in is Sanders Sides episodes where we stay evil for suspense." 

     A wave of guilt washed over me. "I am so sorry Duke, I had no idea."  He laughed a slow and crooked chuckle.  "I am not the one you should be apologizing to." 

     I ran up to the Duke and gave him a tight hug. "You are right. I should go and say sorry. We can even have a Deceit party to celebrate." Remus clapped an exited clap and we started to slowly walk towards Virgil's room. 

     The walk was nice and peaceful. I talked through some stuff with my pal and had a good time. We where not even a fourth of the way there and we heard a high pitched scream from Roman. We gave each other a worried glanced and started running for our lives. We dashed as fast as our legs can take us, not remembering our teleportation powers in the moment of suspense.\

     We got to his room and slammed open the door with a loud thud and we could not believe what we saw.

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