Chapter 2 Power Party

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Deceit was feeling sick to his stomach. He went to the dark side control panel. The dark side control panel was the office the main sides used before Inside Out came out and the Prince got ideas. The snake walked in coughing and wheezing with each breath he took. The place was so very dusty and no matter how much Remus and him scrubbed and dusted and cleaned, the place was never anything short of dirty. The dishonest side was thinking. He was the only side that hasn't revealed his name, he was the only side that didn't have any powers. Patton can make clones of himself, Roman has electric touch, Logan is telepathic, and Virgil can stop time as well as time travel. Remus had powers. That Deceit was very sure of, but he never was told what the power was. Then there was him.

Yes, after the "Friends on the Other Side Disney remix" that Thomas came up with, everyone assumed that he had yellow string powers that could summon demons, do telepathic stuff, stop time, change the past and future, or basically have every single power you can imagine. That sounded amazing! He did know that once a life changing event happens with him he would gain his powers. Roman gained his after Thomas finished his very first play. Patton gained his after Thomas ran away from home and came back crying in his parents arms, Logan gained his powers after Thomas was rewarded for winning the 3rd grade spelling bee, Virgil gained his when Thomas became a try hard in middle school. Lastly there was Remus. He got his mystery powers when his friends talked about violence and blood so much that Thomas couldn't do anything but contribute to there inappropriate behavior. Yes, Thomas did lie, but nothing tragic and life changing happened when Thomas lied, not even once. So he was stuck as the only side that did not have powers. He was so excited to get his all powers in one yellow string power. Now just wasn't the time.

His stomach ache grew. Was it the unbearable, disgusting, and inedible oatmeal that he had for breakfast? Or was it cause by onther unknown source? He then thought about what Remus was saying on the phone late last night. How they will always be loners. Another dark side might be introduced! They can always gain more people like them who are outcasts from the main 4. Or they can talk to the main for and explain everything. That second one was an unlikely thought. Unless something happens and they all of a sudden think lying is a good force that will not be happening. He knew Remus was just being playful, but he had no idea he was bringing up such sensitive subjects.

He turned the desk chair around flopping down onto its leather exterior. Dust flew all around him. He gagged on the air around him and spun the chair back towards the desk. He sat at his control panel looking at all the buttons. The keyboard to type in the lies he thought of, the silent treatment button, the big blue button that was broken and was just there for him to pound when he got mad.

A smirk glossed across his face remembering the fun times him and Remus shared. Their was still stains on the walls from the food fight they had. Thomas was currently talking to Joan when he asked why Thomas was so tired. Now sometimes, a light went off in the room when the sides wanted him to lie. Deceit felt bad, but he decided to let them suffer. He left with a small pop and appeared on his bed. He was ready to go to his desk and work when he noticed a small, paper bag with a green sticky note on it. It read.

Dear Mr.Slithers,

Here is a treat for you that will hopefully help you and your current state. Remember, I may be mean, but I love you.


With Remus anything and everything could be considered a treat. He took a deep breath and decided to open the bad. With a small rip of the paper, a blast of the scent vanilla smacked Deceit right across the face. Looking inside Deceit rapidly took the treat out of the bag. Patton's vanilla cookies. It was his favorite before the main sides discovered he lies about everything. He took a bite. He only had three cookies so he made sure the bites would last long. The warmth from the middle of the cookie soothed all of his nerves. He then suddenly couldn't keep his eyes open for anything. He ran out of the strength to hold the rest of the cookie that dropped out of his hand. Then he discovered he didn't even have the strength to hold himself up so then he laid on his pillow and no matter how hard he tried to stay awake, his eyes closed softly and lightly resulting in a quick slumber.

Thank you to whoever is reading this I appreciate the support. This is my very first fan fiction so of course there will be lots of flaws. If there is any please be nice about it and correct me politely in the comments. Next chapter will be exploring a new POV. Have a nice day!

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