Chapter 3 Cookie Crusade Remus POV

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T.W Cursing. Me trying to learn pronouns of non binary pals. Fake puberty type thing for sides. Is that a trigger warning thing? IDK anymore! When did I even know in the first place though?

     After Deceit left the kitchen, I started to analyse what was going on. I think he was finally going through the process of becoming an adult, otherwise known as adultery. I gave Patton that idea so don't ask why I know references even though I wasn't there. He didn't want to eat, he seemed extremely tired, and he was moody. I mean he IS Deceit and he is always a moody bitch, but he seemed like a different moody bitch.

    Deceit doesn't have his powers yet so he most likely is going through P.A.M.S. That stands for Power Adapting Mood Swings. It starts six months before a side gains his, her, or their powers. IN this six months sides can go through troubling emotions of depression, heightened worry or anxiety, to much eating or not eating at all, lack of sleep or sleeping to much, plus some out lashes when the get the slightest bit of upset.

     Like when Princey got his, we were still very close and still shared a room. He wouldn't eat for me. I was only 2 years old when Roman was 14 so you can see how that went. When he was so thin that I can pick him up I got terrified. Roman was the only good side that would listen to me cause we were friends and bothers, so I ran to a 5 year old Deceit who rushed to tell the others. "Guys!" (all of his lies will be in all caps) "Roman IS eating and is VERY HEALTHY cause of all the nutritious meals he has had! He has also got PLENTY of rest! He's FULLY well and will STAY ALIVE if we IGNORE HIM" Logan and Patton appeared in the room. Patton was on the verge of tears as a half dead prince laid in front of him. 

     Logan than quickly sprung into action contouring up water and... I don't know what the other tools were called. There were ropy things and computer things. I was on the verge of tears as I watched Patton sob, but then I remembered the one thing Decy told me... bad guys don't cry.

     I went up to Patton comforting him in his time of need. I had nothing better to do and maybe it will help if Patton is calm. Patton is Thomas's emotions and the others are Thomas so if Patton isn't doing well, the other are not. I went to the father figure figment and rubbed his back in circles like Decy did to me when I was crying. He looked at me and gave me a sad smile. "Deceit told us that you were the one to warn him. Thank you..." He trailed off. I know he didn't know my name or what I was cause they always avoided me. "I'm the other half of creativity. Bad Creativity. I am sorry for doing bad stuffs to Thomas.'' I looked at the floor cause he probably remembered I was bad. "It's okay, I know it is your job."

     I was awoken from my memory from a punch of smell. Vanilla. I never had one of Patton's cookies, but I did know what they smelled like and that was it. He remembered the times as a child Deceit talking about the cookies when the sides liked him... before they knew he was the bad guy. When he was a child no younger than 2 years. I know that those cookies would cheer Deceit up. Even if it is only or 5 minutes I need to gt him some of those cookies. I snapped and appeared outside the kitchen. There was Patton stirring another batch. "How can I get him to move" I thought. Then I saw the puppies on the oven mits he was wearing and had the best idea.

    He contoured up puppies and they landed on Patton's feet. He looked down fast to jump back in a giant gasp. His eyes went wide and his smile was big enough to hold the puppies. I used my power to make Patton look gross and the dogs ran, following shortly after Patton. I went up to the tray of freshly baked treats and grabbed four of them. Before I left I used my powers again to make Patton likable to the puppies. I could see the dad character walking back with three dogs in his arms. 

     I appeared in my room flopping on my bed in relief. No one knew of his powers. They just knew he had powers. I can take anything and make it look disgusting and utterly inappropriate. I hate my powers, but they do come in handy from time to time. Like for Halloween this past year Roman was a mummy. I wanted to match my older brother, but more scary, so using my powers I made myself look like a real decaying mummy. I scared the main sides and Patton was more terrified of me then he was of Virgil's pet spider, and that is REALLY saying something.

     I went to my book shelf and pulled on the spine of a book that read, "Handbook for the Recently Deceased". Beetle Juice is my favorite movie. The book shelf started to turn around and on the other side was book shelves filled with poisons, powders, and spell books that I have collected over the years. I went to the second to top shelf with the rainbow assorted powders. I looked to one that had the label, "5 hour energy reversed". A pinch of this will put you in a deep 5 hour nap. This nap can recharge you for a week! I pulled it off the shelf taking off the cork as I walked back to my bed. I poured some powder into a spoon labeled "1 tbs". I took a warm cookie out of the bag and lightly sprinkled it on the baked treat.

     I then slipped out another cookie and placed it on my bed. I put the powdered cookie in the bag with the other cookies and rolled up the paper bag. I then appeared in Deceit's room. It looked... more grey than it was usually. His pet snake was in the tank sleeping, or shedding I couldn't tell which. I placed the bag on the bed when I figured I should also leave a note.

     I looked in the top drawer of his desk to find a cluster of different stationary. I dug deeper and found a pack of green sticky notes. I snatched the pack, and a black sharpie out of the desk drawer. I wanted to show him I cared and I think I did a very good job. I appeared back in my room with a small pop and went to my bed. I laid down getting ready to try my first "Patton Vanilla Saucier TM". I looked at my book shelf remembering that I should probably turn the shelf back to normal just in case Deceit comes in.

     I walk up to the shelf and find a spell book in titled, "Witch Brews for Aching Square Feet" I also liked Witches by Ronald Daul. I sunk my teeth into the cookie as an explosion of flavor hit me in the mouth. I loved every but of it. I gobbled up the rest then pulled on the spell book closing the magic station. As it finally turned back into a book shelf a note from the other side fell to the ground. I finished my cookie and I picked it up. It was a note I wrote myself 11 years ago when I got my first spell book. This note reminded me why I got started on my magic spree and I gasped. 

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