You are my Sunshine

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I'm hoping I don't need to leave a YouTube video for you are my sunshine. T.W. threaten murder, cursing

     I hear crying and I jolt myself up trying to calm it down before the others know I have a child. Last time I found a child in my closet they took him away from me.
     I was changing the little wonder when I heard something at the door. After a few seconds I heard a knock. "Do not wait a second!" I finished up cleaning the mystery child and put him in the closet. I put my finger up to my mouth and did a slight shush to the baby.

     I closed the door behind me and went to the main door. I was a nervous wreck. I didn't want them taking a second child from me. I took a deep breath and opened the door. It was Logan. His room is all the way across Thomas's mind so there was no way that he heard the crying.

     "Hello Deceit. We are having a meeting in the kitchen and your presence would be appreciated." I sighed in relief. "No way, I'll be left there." Logan then nodded in conformation and turned back towards the light side area of the mind palace. I closed the door and went back to the closet to check on the baby. Fast asleep. Good.

     I fixed my hair and fed my snake. They were having a meeting in the kitchen so there was going to be food. He needed to look as healthy as possible because he really didn't want to eat. I checked myself out in the mirror ready to go to the meeting. I grabbed a notebook just in case notes will be took and popped outside the door frame. 

     As much as he hated to admit it, Deceit was really exited to go to this meeting. He has never been apart of a discussion where the others didn't want him there. They ASKED him to come this time. Outside the door, I heard chatter from the others.

     "Patton. Are you sure that he has been taking care of it. He just woke up from a coma for crying out loud!" That was Roman being dramatic as ever. Remus has told me stories about Roman's theater geek personality. I was to distracted by the memories and stories to realize the words that Roman spoke and their meaning.

     "We were in his room not more than a week ago, and their was no infant" That was Logan. I began to put the pieces together. They know about orange.

     "We should grab it before he hurts the baby like he hurt me." I couldn't take it anymore I turned the corner and walked in, acting as if I heard nothing. I am like Roman in a way. I use my lying as a way of acting.

     "Bad night everyone!" I said in my cheeriest voice. "What are we not doing here today?" Logan than straightened his back and cleared his throat. He looked down at the table rather than eye to eye contact as he usually does. I was not sure he was nervous until his hands came up slightly, and he started to play with his necktie.

     "Good morning to you too, Deceit." It was very slight, but it did look like he looked at Patton for guidance. "Witnesses have observed that you have another bring in your possession." I started to feel queasy from the interaction. 

     "We were wondering if I could observe the child to make sure it is healthy?'' Logan said it more as a command than a question though he meant it as one. But however he said it, Deceit didn't want to give up another love of his life. Who needed to get married, or date, or have friends when you have a child to love and care for. I didn't  want to be alone again so I decided to stand up for my rights.

     "You know what bolt brian!" I heard Roman whisper as I took a deep breath, "That is the best nickname I ever heard for Logan." I was fuming. "I raised a child on my own for 16 years! What do you guys do? Take that love and turn it against me! You guys originally didn't even LIKE Virgil! Why in the fucking world would I give my only companion to some dunce that will brainwash the shit out of it!"

    All the sides seemed threatened, even Logan. Then Remus comes out of a dark shadow. I didn't even know he was there. He was going to say something like, ''they helped Virgil" or, "Aren't I your family, but instead he pointed out something that I had been to upset to notice. 

"Deceit, you didn't lie."

     With that, I didn't know how to feel. Joy, rage, sadness, guilt. It all was coming at once. Each of the sides had their own way of coping with this.

Remus stares intensely into my snake eye, trying to tell what was going on.

Logan kept adjusting his tie, then his glasses. Back and forth, tie, glasses, tie, glasses.

Roman had a hand on the samurai sword in his back pocket, the other reaching towards Remus's hand. Remus didn't seem to notice this offer of kindness.

Poor Patton looked depressed, angry, and confused all in one go. His tears held all three to a high standard.

And then there was Virgil. He looked furious. Either at me, or to himself, but he looked done with whatever shit was going on. I did this, I was making my child hurt. 

     Then I remembered that I had another child to tend too. "How the fuck did you know I had a baby?" Everyone turned to a sobbing Patton who was curled up on the floor. No one moved to comfort him.

     "You were out cold in a coma for 3 month Deceit! I was worried when you woken up from being gone for 3 months and just left so hurt. I went to your room to check on you and you were asleep with a baby in your lap. You shouldn't hide this from us."

     "NEVER COME INTO MY ROOM AGAIN YOU BITCH! I GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU ALL! STARTING WITH YOU TWO!" I pointed at Patton and Virgil and bolted out of the kitchen. Instead of snapping to pop in my room, I ran the long hallway back to the dark side territory.

     From outside the door, I heard the baby whining. I walked inside with all my anger flushing away. "It won't be okay baby girl." I said rocking it back and forth. I then decided to sing a song I heard Remus said Roman sung him. I have never sung before and I soon found out I can not lie song lyrics.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away

The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping

I dreamed I held you in my arms

But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
And I hung my head and I criedYou are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine awayI'll always love you and make you happy
If you will only say the same
But if you leave me to love another
You'll regret it all some dayYou are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine awayYou told me once, dear, you really loved me
And no one else could come between
But now you've left me and love another
You have shattered all my dreamsYou are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

     I soon found both the baby and I, once again in the peaceful slumber that got us into this mess.

So sorry it took me so long to update this story, I haven't been getting the best of rest lately, but I am here to entertain once more! Hope you enjoyed the drama. We spilled some tea booches! Love you all and do your best!

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