Chapter 8 Memory Garage

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Above is a music video that will be used in the story. No trigger warnings!!! Please enjoy!

 Still in Remus's POV

     I couldn't believe what was in the box. There photos of important events of Virgil's from his childhood. Like learning how to ride a bike and his first tooth that has fallen out. I kept digging. There was a notebook of sonnets that were more cringe than hard core like the ones Virgil writes today. I was about to read one aloud, but I didn't want to make Virgil feel worse. 

     I continued as I felt people come behind me. Logan was to my left by Deceit's head. Half watching Deceit, and half looking at the contents of the box. Roman, as the tallest side, was behind me. He wasn't really looking at the pictures and writings, he was looking at me. I figured out that the talking to himself, was actually singing. Then there was Patton who was sitting on the ground next to me hold Virgil tight.

     When me and Patton used to look at pictures he would give funny stories relating to the picture and point out how we were so cute or precious. Though this time he was just trying to hold in tears. I couldn't blame him, I was too. Though for once in my life, I was weaker than the heart. I put the box down and fell on my knees crying. I sobbed and sobbed. I could feel Patton jerk up.  I don't know if it was from confusion, surprise, or ready to comfort me, but he did.

     Logan turned away from Deceit and rubbed my back in rhythm on my back. My god was it soothing. Even though it was soothing, I kept crying. The dam was broken and it would take years to build it back up. I felt defeated. All I ever did was try to protect Deceit, but in the long run I guess I hurt him. I loved him so much.

     My thought were interrupted by something familiar, but unexpected.

If we could see tomorrow, what of your plans?
No one can live in sorrow, ask all your friends
Times that you took in stride, they're back in demand
I was the one who was washing blood off your handsDon't you cry tonight
I still love you, baby
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonightI know the things you wanted, they're not what you have
With all the people talking, it's driving you mad
If I was standing by you, how would you feel
Knowing your love's decided, and all love is real?Don't you cry tonight
I still love you, baby
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonightI thought I could live in your world
As years... I thought I could live in your world
As years all went by, with all the voices I've heard
Something has died
And when you're in need of someone, my heart won't deny you
So many seem so lonely with no one left to cry to, babyDon't you cry tonight
I still love you, baby
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight

     It was Roman. He was singing Don't Cry by Guns N' Roses. When we were little he sang that to me when ever my intrusive thoughts got out of control. That was starting to happen and he knew.      I then couldn't control myself. With a scratchy voice and sniffles I began to sing the final part.

Don't you cry tonight
I still love you, baby
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight

     We ended the song in a hug and we burst into tears in the embrace of each other. He then went up to Logan and whispered in his ear. Logan then nodded and turned toward Patton and Virgil who were both crying. Not only crying but Patton was shaking and he looked very ill. I didn't have much time to observe my surrounding before Roman popped us into his bedroom.
     I walked into his room. It was like a familiar hug. It was warm and comforting. I spent the first couple years of my life in here and I loved my brother to the heavens. Roman was sitting on a couch and patted it indicating I should sit down.
     I slowly trotted over to the couch, taking in all of my surroundings. The bits of glitter floating through the air was relaxing and I forgot how much I loved to chase the sparkles. I sat on the couch and the cushion sank when I let all of my body weight down on it.
     "Remus?'' I looked up to see Roman's face. It was stained with mascara from cryi... wait. Roman wears makeup!?! "I haven't seen your or talked to you in years. I regret being pissed at you for this long. I love you and I think that we should blow up the Dark Side lounge and build two new bedrooms so you guys can come and stay over here.
     I was so exited, but my face must have told other wise. "We can have movie nights and game nights and take walks and Patton can cook the best of feasts for us and we can fight the Dragon Witches together." A smile slowly crept on my face. I flung towards my brother and gave him the largest hug. I almost forgot completely about Deceit, until I thought of us living over here together.
     "What will happen to Deceit?'' Roman's eyes got wide and then small again. "He can get a room to and do everything with us also." I shot up. "No, I mean will he be okay from the stiches and the bl..." I stopped myself before I said blood. If I get to worried I can start spitting not wanted thoughts and I really don't need more to think about.
     "I don't know." This news had me shook. They really didn't know? I thought Logan studied this for 4 years when I was still here. I could use the excuse that he forgot, but because he is 100% the logical thinking, he never forgets what he learns. One of the perks of being the Logical side.          I sighed. "We do not know yet, but I sure we will find a solution at some point. We will get our snek snek back. " Snek was what Roman called Deceit when we were younger and it was the best thing to hear him say that again.
     "Want to watch a movie? Perhaps a musical movie?'' I was ready to tell him what I wanted to watch when he put in what I wanted to watch already. Guys and Dolls.
     He sat back down and I curled in his lap. As the intro played, I fell to sleep peacefully.
WHOO!!! Another chapter done and out of the way. Hope you guys enjoyed!

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