The Storm Cloud Fades chapter 18

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One more chapter to go.

T.W. Blood, cursing, Remus blurting

     We found Virgil lying on the floor in a pool of blood and leaking his purple, anxiety glow. Remus went to Virgil and started listing ways to die by natural causes. 

     "Lightning strikes body! Hurricane hit. Tornado house concision..." He said crying into his own hands.

     Roman seemed to not know what to do. He stood there with his sword, ready to strike. Though just like any mental villain, you can't kill it with a sword.

     Logan was contouring up different tools to help Virgil, including a death bed and a heart machine that you see in hospitals.

     Then there was Patton.

     He was cradling his dark strange son on the bed crying into his lifeless shoulder. He was so defeated and ruined. He was whispering something, but I had no clue what he was saying. 

     I would go by Patton to see if he is okay, but he probably hates my guts. I go up to Remus and hold him tight in my arms. I stroke his back like I used to do with Virgil when he was younger.  I am actually going to quote Virgil and Lin Manuel Miranda at the same, "I had one shot, but I threw it away."

     I was thinking to myself in a deep spiral when I suddenly got no control over my body, though it did give me an idea. I stood up slowly and cautiously. I let a yellow fire burn at my hands, this time flaming with pain.

     Patton looked up and screamed on the top of his lungs, "YOU DID THIS YOU MONSTER OF A BEING! WHY IN THIS WORLD DO YOU EXIST!" Roman turned his head and drew his sword at me, but was to scared to say or do anything else. Logan turned around from where he was trying to help Virgil and stepped to the side showing a frightened emotion.

     Remus stood up and looked me right into my snake eye. He took a shaking breath and started talking to me in an intensity that I never heard out of him. "Deceit. What in this fucking world are you doing?" He took a big gulp and stood back in fear.

     Patton did not step away from Virgil, but held him tighter. Lucky for him this will not hurt him.

     I lifted my hands and pointed them at Virgil and began a chant.

"Wrap thee in cotton

bind thee with love,

protection from pain

surrounds like a glove.

Brightest of blessing,

surrounding thee this night,

for thou art cared for,

healing thoughts sent in flight."

     A bright stream of burnt yellow flares at Virgil and swallows him whole. The other sides gasp and are deadly still. The flames pick up Virgil and fling him through the air. Swirling him around and lifting him higher.

     He opens his eyes with more glee and shock than anxiety. The sparks tickling him like a feather duster. As he gets lowed to the ground softly and safely.

     When I look at him, he is as good as new with not a scratch on his body. The blood and purple moosh disappear from his floor and everyone tackles him in a giant hug. So I guess the person who saved his life doesn't matter. It is not like I even just stitched him up, I literally just renewed his body completely.

     I start heading towards the door when black and purple sleeves surround my chest in a tight hug. I was about to resist, but then I hear something come out of the figure's mouth.

"I am so sorry. Thank you for everything."

     I then embrace the hug and the others join in. The hug feels so nice and warm. It is so welcoming.

"You are welcome to bring your room over here so we can be together."

     I let out a sigh and then I let go of the five sides surrounding me and walked to the door.

"I would love to, but first, I have some business to finish.

     I walk back to my room, not wanting to travel quickly and take in my surroundings. The halls seemed new and exiting. The halls where welcoming and quite enjoyable even though these where the walls that taunted me just a couple hours ago.

     I look at my watch, it is just about midnight. I walk into my room and there is a toddler in front of me with a orange and black sweater and orange frosted tips. He backs up slowly as I step forward. "It is okay Orange, I am here and so are the others and we will protect you."

     He was hesitant at first, but then he came to me in sobs. I embraced him and cuddled him as he cried into my shoulder. "I love you daddy." I sighed a breathe of acceptance,"I love you too son."

     I then let go of him after a good five minutes and I told him about our room arrangements and how we are going to live with the dark sides and he will get his own room. He was quite happy with this change. I snapped my room out of where it was and the mind palace took a shift.

     Now the whole rooming arrangements where out of place. The main side's rooms where where they where as well as Virgil's, but instead of it just being a wall, Remus, Orange, and my room was lined up next to their rooms.

     Before I can say anything, Orange ran straight into his room and screamed in excitement.


     I looked down at the three year old child and gave a soft smile. "Don't thank me, thank Virgil."

     The other sides then stepped into the room in awe at the design pattern. The orange and black flame like stripes really highlighted his personality.

     "How about in celebration, we all have a movie night in his new room!" Patton has suggested this with quite excitement and everyone imminently agreed with relief and exhaustion.

     We then all went our separate ways to prepare for the movie.

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