Deceit Distress Chapter 14

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First off, WOW props to the person who drew the fan art above. Great Job! Also Deceit will be doing a lot of talking so stay aware of the lying bits.

Secondly T.W. , Remus, cursing, vomit

     "Goodbye, Picani." I said white a slight brightness in my voice as a dizzy Dr. Picani stopped spinning in his chair. "Hello! Do you how..." He stopped with a bit of worry in his mouth. I don't know if it was because he saw me, or he has been spinning WAY to much. Most likely a bit of both.

     "Well it has been a second since you came to see me. Remus force you again?" It felt like something stabbed me in the back as I sat down on the black, leather couch with the baby tightly in my arms. 

     "Actually, Yes. He did force me this time. It was not my choice at all. I just don't need someone to talk to." Picani shown a bit of frantic panic in his eyes, but stayed collected and neat on the outside. "Well what seems to be bothering you friendo? I see you have a little munchkin. What's his name?"

     "About that he has a name. I didn't find him in my closet like I didn't find Virgil and he came with a name tag. It looks like I won't need to wait till he is older to find out who he represents." Picani then took a second to scribble down some notes on his little journal. 

     I didn't know if I was supposed to wait till he asked a question, or keep talking. So I decided to keep talking. "So I was not completely exhausted when I found him and I didn't fall asleep with him in my lap on my bed. This is when I didn't just wake up from a three month coma so Patton didn't come in to check on me. He didn't see me with the baby and now they don't wanna help me raise him. Well guess what? He is NOT my child and I will let them take him away like Virgil, even if I know who he represents."

     He kept scribbling down things on his note pad and nodding his head to confirm that he was listening. I looked down at the child and started stroking his head. I felt tears start coming down my face. "When I didn't wake up they didn't knock on the door. I didn't hide in the closet without the baby and they didn't find me. They didn't tell me to keep him and I  stayed in a peaceful state. Now they aren't trying to keep this baby girl after so many years of not capturing my other baby."

     It looked like he was about to make a joke, but refrained himself from doing so. He straightened his glasses and tie as if he was Logan and looked right into my eyes. "Here are some tissues." I excepted the cloth and blew my nose. The baby jerked a bit, but mostly stayed in a peaceful state.

     "Have you tried talking to the light sides? They seem to care about your well being enough if they saved you from bleeding to death." It then accoutered to me that they did save me and they did try to make amends to our current situation. Not like they were going to give me back Virgil, or like he wanted to return. Though I must give credit where credit is due.

     "They didn't try to talk to me, but I stayed put and listened carefully. My fear didn't get the best of  me and I didn't go off on them." I stopped talking and decided to cry. The tears where hot on my face, but my hands were ice cold. I kept stroking the child's poor head. I wish I can give him a better life. I wish I knew who he was supposed to represent.

     Picani stayed quiet for I don't even know how long and I just kept crying and stroking. The stroking helped. "Well Deceit from what I can tell you are putting to much in your own hands. Take the cartoon Doc McStuffins. The stuffed hippo Halley gets head aches and emotionally feels bad after working to hard at the toy hospital. From what I can tell with your frequent headaches, lack of nutrition and rest plus your current mental state, I have reason to believe your stressed. Though I do want to address that it is like a circle. Your negative feelings are heightened because you haven't been eating right or sleeping, but your not eating right and sleeping because of your negative feelings. Usually it is the negative emotions that start things off, but no one can really pin point which came first in some cases."

   I had no idea how to respond to that statement, so I slowed my crying and Picani helped me through some breathing exercises.

     "Deceit, can you tell me why you don't particularly don't wanna eat?" I gulped and blinked a couple times to calm myself. "It is my choice." Picani kinda stopped breathing for a second and leaned back to the rest of his chair. "What do you mean you can't eat because it isn't your choice. You have the ability to eat, do you not?" "No, I don't, but we have a lot of the food at the house. Also the Light sides don't have any food and they love sharing with Remus and I." I tried to think of what else to say. "The only thing we don't have is watered down oatmeal stuff. I don't know that we shouldn't be thankful for what we don't have, but still."

     Picani was scribbling notes faster than a cheetah being chases by a race car. "I am sorry to hear that. I want to go more in dept with this whole thing, but sadly your time is over due and I have other waiting. If it wasn't for them I would keep you longer. Will I be seeing you again?"

     I took a long breathe. During that breathe I thought about the last two hours. "No. I won't see you next week." We both shown an agreeing smile as I walked out feeling pretty good for a quick second. Just a quick second.

     "Deceit?!?!" I heard someone with a sorta questionable supersized sound come from behind me. It was Logan. He was on the bottom of a sleeping Patton. Though my anger was raising, I did have to admit he was rather cute. Next to them on the other couch was Roman taking a snooze in between a sleeping Remus and Virgil, who were on each of his shoulders. Virgil, though was not a sleep for long after hearing Logan and his unnecessary out burst.

     "Deceit what the fuck are you doing here?" Virgil was infuriated. How can someone be that mad after waking up? Wait... that was me. Remus and Roman than woke up with Virgil's volt and Roman quickly went to hold him down after he tried to come after me. "Virgil remember. We accept him. We are bringing him home. Just calm." 

     I was so done.

     "So all of a sudden I am not your friend? Your not gonna take me in like you didn't do to Virgil? I have not been betrayed so many times. Now out of the blue I am the devil coming to hurt you! Well go fuck yourself if you think that is not true. I WILL ALWAYS BE THE FUCKING GOOD GUY!"

     Patton was awake now and he came after me as I ran down the hall and out the door. I countered myself back to my room and screamed on the top of my snake lungs. followed by aggressive hissing.I put the baby down in his cradle and punched the wall. Not the first time, the whole wall was covered in punch marks.

    I started to sudden down. I used the breathing exercises from Virgil and from Dr. Picani. I decided that maybe I should try to eat another cookie from the bag, even if it put me to sleep. I went back in the bag. 

     The cookies were stale as heck but I still ate it. I ran to the bathroom holding my mouth. I leaned over the toilet on the hard bathroom floor. I poured my guts out during this time. I felt weak, too weak. 

     I heard pounding and I fell to the floor. "Deceit?!" I reconsidered it as Patton with his worried tone. He called for me again and again. Everything thing fell black. I heard a scream as I let the dark wash over me.

     "I'm coming in!"

Another chapter, another nickle! Am I right? NO cause I don"t get paid to do this. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and I hope you had fun reading it! I don't know how therapy works so once again I am sorry. I just thought it was a cool concept. Until next time, do your best!

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