Chapter 30: A Tease

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Jungkook's POV

The next day came and I walked to school with a smile on my face. I informed my mum about Jimin moving in with me. She was surprised at first but then I told her the situation. Mrs Park also spoke to her and she said she was fine with it. I was happy she was.

I still couldn't believe that he was officially moving in with me. I don't think either of us predicted this to happen. But the thought of him moving in did make me happy. The house wouldn't be so empty anymore. I wouldn't feel lonely anymore. That made my smile grow bigger. It's exciting having a roommate/housemate. It's like I'm experiencing college life early.

I entered the classroom and sat down in my seat. Instead of drawing, I whipped my phone out to search for furniture. Because he was moving in, I needed to buy some things for him like a wardrobe and slippers and other small things like that. Plus, I had always wanted to re-decorate my house but I was never bothered to so this was a perfect excuse.

With the sound of the door opening, I looked to see who it was. Jimin walked in and sat in his seat.

"Morning," he smiled at me.

"Morning," I smiled back.

My eyes went back to my phone and I scrolled through the items.

"Did you have a good sleep?" I asked as I searched.

"Yep. Now that I know I won't be in that house for that long, I feel like I can breath," he admitted.

I looked at him and searched his face. He did look better than yesterday which meant that he did feel relieved.

"Just in case, I want to ask you. You are okay with moving in with me right?" I asked.

"Definitely. You don't have to ask me twice," he sighed and I nodded.

"Well as long as you're okay with it, that's fine."


I sat on the floor and leaned against the wall. Jimin joined me afterwards. Neither of us said anything. Instead we just enjoyed each others presence. As I stared out of the window across from where I sat, I felt a weight on my shoulder and I turned my head to see what it was. Jimin's head rested on my shoulder as he stared into space. With a small smile on my face, I leaned my head on his. Naturally, he interlocked our fingers and we sat there in that position. We both had free period so we just came to the art room. Things were getting hectic in school because exams were not that far away and teachers were stressing about studying and choosing a college. With all of this going on, both of us were exhausted with the amount of work we had to do. I knew that the upcoming months would be stressful but I was glad that Jimin would be right by my side along the way.

"Oh yeah. What were you looking at in the morning?" Jimin suddenly said, breaking the silence.

"Huh? Oh just some things I need to buy for your room," I told him.

He nodded.



"I've been thinking, instead of converting the library room to my room, why don't I just move into your room?" he said.

I lifted my head up and looked at him.


"Yeah. I like the library room so I want to keep it. Plus, it's not like I haven't been sleeping in your room every time I stayed over anyway," he told me.

I furrowed my eyebrows. He has a point...But...I don't know.

"But because you're going to be living with me, shouldn't you have a room of your own?" I asked him.

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