Chapter 22: Confronting

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Narrator's POV

Jungkook ended up going to school the next day, not wanting to miss it. He didn't want the others to worry about him, which was why he decided to go - especially when he was doing fine for the last two days.

When he was in the bathroom, he stared at himself in the mirror. You can do this Jungkook. Remember if you panic, calm down. I can't afford to have another one, otherwise I'm gonna end up in the hospital. He reminded himself.

After he freshened up, he got changed and left his house.

When he entered the school, he expected Jin to ask him how he was. Jungkook smiled at Jin's concern for him.

"I'm fine hyung. I promise, I feel much better," he assured him.

"That's good," Jin breathed out.

Before the others could get suspicious about what they were talking about, Jungkook headed to his classroom. When he entered, his breath hitched when he saw pink hair. It's fine. I'm fine. He assured himself.

He walked to his seat and quietly sat down, not wanting to wake up the other. Jimin's head gently rested on his desk as he quietly snored. Immediately, Jungkook thought about the first time he met him. Jimin was in the same exact position when Jungkook started humming and then Jimin approached him in the café. I remember that. I started panicking when he told me I had a good voice. Jungkook silently chuckled to himself.

But then his focus resumed back onto the sleepy boy. Wait a minute. When Jimin sleeps on his desk, that usually means something happened at home. What happened this time? Jungkook thought.

When he realised what he was thinking about, he quickly shook his head. Come on Jungkook. You're meant to be forgetting about him, not remembering memories or worrying about him.

His resumed his attention back to the front where Mrs Choi stood.


It was hard for Jungkook to not look at Jimin since he was sitting at the front, where Ms Choi was, but he tried his best. He distracted his mind with his studies, especially because finals were coming up.

When it was break time, Jimin got up from his seat and walked out of the door. He shrugged it off since it wasn't any of his business.

When he met up with the others, he noticed Jimin wasn't there. Maybe he's avoiding me even more because of what happened yesterday.

As Jungkook spaced out, Jin rested a hand on his shoulder, which snapped him back to reality.

"Is everything alright Jungkook?" he asked.

Jungkook turned to him and flashed a genuine, warm smile.

"Everything's fine hyung," he smiled.

Jin nodded and resumed speaking to the others. As Jin did, he couldn't help but let his eyes wander around. He was itching to find Jimin because he needed to talk to him. The anger from before did not disappear and he had to suppress the urge to hit someone. He really needed to find him, which is why he looked everywhere. It was no use though. All day, Jimin avoided everyone like the plague. Is it because he feels bad about shouting at Jungkook? Jin thought.

Jin scoffed at that.

"If he felt bad then why shout at the boy in the first place?" he muttered under his breath.

"Did you say something hyung?" Hoseok asked him.

"Huh? No nothing," Jin lied, not wanting anyone to know.

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