Chapter 19: The attack

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(Long chapter ahead)

Narrator's POV

The first time it happened, Jungkook let it slide. But when it happened again, Jungkook became more confused. Jimin was speaking normally to everyone but him. Apart from that first day when he looked upset, he started looking better after that but that didn't mean he was talking to Jungkook. He could feel something was off with Jimin.

After that day, their relationship changed. Jimin no longer came early in the morning to accompany Jungkook nor did he go and hang out with Jungkook at his house. That also meant he no longer stayed over.

At first, no one really noticed, apart from Jungkook. However, as it kept carrying on, the others were starting to get aware of Jimin's unusual behaviour. They didn't know he wasn't talking to Jungkook as he always acted normal in front of them. If he's acting like everything is fine, then why isn't he talking to me?

After that first day of his weird behaviour, Jungkook tried his hardest to ignore it. But he didn't realise it would end up lasting the entire week. It wasn't until Sunday it dawned on him that maybe, just maybe... Jimin was ignoring him. He was ignoring me? But why? Did I do something wrong? That thought only came to Jungkook's mind when he was on his way to work. Although his boss said that week there would be no work, he said to come work on Sunday as he wanted to see the customer's reactions to the new design of the shop.

It was a bit weird that Jungkook just came to the realisation that Jimin was avoiding him after 5 days, but who could blame him? He was obviously trying to avoid thinking it was the worst possible situation he could think of. He just thought Jimin maybe wanted space from him for a little while. Or he thought that Jimin needed some alone time. Honestly, he didn't know, his mind was in shambles. This was the first time he didn't speak to Jimin for a long time since he met him. It felt weird. It was like a normal routine for him to talk to Jimin. But now, Jimin didn't even look at him. In fact, he even moved back to his original seat in class so he was no longer sitting next to Jungkook and that happened on Friday.

Before Jungkook's thoughts could add more weight onto his shoulders, he arrived at work. He put on his work attire and tried to forget about his thoughts. I have work now. I shouldn't think about it otherwise it would get in the way of my job. He told himself.

Jin also came because he had the same shift. He waved at Jungkook, which he reciprocated. Truthfully, Jin was worried about Jungkook. He didn't know what was going on, but nowadays he would see the younger always wearing a frown on his face or constantly being deep in thought. He wanted to ask him what he was thinking about since the maknae never shared any of his problems to anyone. The only person he did share it to was Jimin, but he couldn't ask Jimin, especially after how weird he was acting. He thought it was best to ask him afterwards since he didn't want it to come between work.


Jungkook tried his best, he really did. But every time he wasn't busy cleaning or wasn't with a customer, his mind wandered to Jimin. What could be the explanation for him to ignore me? Was all he kept thinking. Every time he was alone, he tried backtracking to see if he did anything wrong, but he couldn't pin-point anything. In fact he was sure he didn't do anything. After the day he came to school with his new haircut, Jimin was acting normal then. It was only after he went home he started ignoring him.

Unless...unless he was faking it all this time... Jungkook was quick to dismiss that thought. Don't be ridiculous Jungkook. You shouldn't doubt your friends like that. He's not that type of person.

After soo long, his shift was finally over. The hours at work never felt soo long before.

"Jungkook!" a voice shouted.

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