Chapter 24: Confession

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Narrator's POV

Standing in front of the door, Jimin took deep, long breaths to steady his beating heart. You can do this Jimin. Just tell him everything and be honest. He told himself. When he felt like he was ready, he reached out for the doorknob and twisted it. When he did, the doorknob didn't budge and he was confused. He used more force but it still didn't open. The door was locked. Is he not here? He should be, he always is. Jimin then placed his ear against the door and he was sure he heard movement, so he resulted into knocking

Jungkook was startled by the sudden knock. He stood up to go to the door, but he halted in his steps when a thought came to him. Wait a minute. This corridor is always empty and only two people know about this place... Hyung is teaching now, which means... When Jungkook knew who it was, he took a step back. Why is he here? Is he here to shout at me again? Knowing that Jimin was behind the door terrified him as the images from yesterday came to his mind. Before he could lose balance from all of the images and fear, he tightened his hold on the chair that was beside him.

"Jungkook-ah! I know you're in there. Please open the door," Jimin pleaded.

But Jungkook didn't. He stood there and impatiently waited for him to leave.

"Please?" he heard Jimin say.

He doesn't sound angry... then what does he want?

Even though Jimin didn't seem angry, he couldn't bring himself to open the door as he knew it was impossible to look at him without a ton of emotions hitting him.

When Jimin didn't hear a response, he sighed. He had a feeling this would happen. He wet his dry lips as he choked back a sob.

"I'm sorry Jungkook...I'm so sorry," Jimin cried out.

Jungkook stiffened at the sound of his voice. He could feel the hurt in Jimin's voice but he still resisted the urge to open the door.

"I-I didn't know you were hurt because of me. I'm sorry, truly I am. I didn't want to hurt you. All I've been trying to do is protect you," Jimin said as tears streamed down his face.

When he heard that, Jungkook became confused. Protect me? By ignoring me? No, the main question is, from what?

"I'm such an idiot for not coming to you. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I'm sorry I caused you soo much pain. You're not worthless Jungkook. I would never say you're not worth it. You're worth everything to me which is why I ignored you. You are not a loser and most importantly you deserve to be loved and have friends," Jimin breathlessly said the meaningful words he desperately wanted to him to know.

Jungkook's eyes widened. H-how does he know that? D-did Jin hyung tell him?

Tears were building up in Jungkook's eyes as he heard Jimin crying from the other end of the door. Why is he crying? What is this?

Jungkook was beyond confused. He didn't know what to think or feel. All he knew was that Jimin was crying and apologising to him and he had no clue on what to say.

"I-I didn't mean to ignore you. I never wanted to...I'm sorry, please I'm sorry," Jimin apologised.

Jimin became a teary mess and he couldn't help but keep apologising as he knew how much pain he caused Jungkook. The younger wasn't responding and he felt helpless. He felt like Jungkook would never forgive him and he would end up losing the person he wanted the most.

Jungkook heard Jimin's pleas and it tugged his heart to hear his hyung soo devastated.

For a good few minutes, Jimin didn't stop apologising. It was like he was in his own trance as he kept apologising. Before Jungkook realised it, he unlocked the door and opened it, making Jimin stumble since he was leaning against it. Both of them were shocked when they saw each other. Jimin's eyes were no longer visible from all the crying and his hair was dishevelled from constantly pulling it out of frustration. When Jimin saw Jungkook, his breathing halted as he saw the tears flowing down the younger's face. Seeing him cry pained him. He hated when the younger cried because he only wanted to see him smile.

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