Chapter 10: Truth or dare

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Narrator's POV

It had already been a week and a bit since Jungkook met the others and during that span of time, he had gotten close to them all. He found out that they were fun to be around and had good senses of humour. Not one day did he feel bored - especially because they were all full of different types of energy's. Taehyung was always full of some unusual energy because he never was tired. He was the crazy, weird beagle that Jungkook learned to get used to. From the day Taehyung met Jungkook, he kept latching himself onto Jungkook. After knowing Taehyung, Jungkook started getting used to it - of course sometimes he still got surprised here and there, but the feeling would always disappear once the position of Taehyung's arm around him got comfortable. Obviously, Jungkook did ask him why he always hugged him or made skin ship with him, but Taehyung would always tell him,

"You are my teddy bear!"

When Taehyung said that, Jungkook just chuckled in response along with Jimin who also heard him say that at the time.

The others absolutely adored Jungkook as they got to know him. During the time they spent with him, they started realising Jungkook's cute little habits. Like when he saw food, his eyes would sparkle, or if any of the members complimented him, he would go pink, or how whenever he yawned he would cover his nose rather than his mouth, or how his eyes would crinkle - showing an adorable and sweet eye smile which showed clearly how happy he was.

Without fail, they always ate lunch together outside in that same spot and without fail they made Jungkook's day better. Jungkook felt really happy. He didn't know that within a few days he could gather five more new friends and he could honestly feel their genuine affection and love. Jungkook could definitely tell they were genuine and he knew he could trust them - even if it was a little. They always tended to give him advice since they were all older than him and 'have lived and experienced life longer' quoted by Jin. But they also gave him advice since he was the least outgoing one, well externally that is.

Never once did they say anything to offend him - of course the usual teasing and jokes did happen but it wasn't like Jungkook wasn't like that. He got soo close to them - as well as comfortable - that his real personality slipped out. He did tease Jimin, like he always did, and all of the others found it amusing how he picked on Jimin. To them it was cute. But they all could tell the chemistry between the two wasn't fake. Before they all thought that Jungkook and Jimin's friendship was not that tight, but after observing them, they realised they were wrong. They were soo close that you could mistake them as friends since birth. Any random stranger could think that all of them with Jungkook were friends since the beginning - that's how perfectly Jungkook fitted in as well as how close all of them treated him.


It was lunchtime and as usual they were all outside. It was quite sunny, so as the sun glared at them, most of them took their blazers or jumpers off. Jungkook did neither. Although he did feel hot, he didn't want to take anything off.

"Jungkookie don't you feel hot?" Taehyung asked him.

Jungkook shook his head. Taehyung nodded in understanding, and continued to talk to the others. All of them knew Jungkook, was lying since no normal person would wear triple layers in that heat.

At first, no one said anything as they didn't want to put Jungkook on the spot and make him uncomfortable. But later, they could tell he was really starting to feel the heat.

When it got bad, they tried to relieve his suffering by asking him to take something off. Of course Jungkook being the stubborn child he was, he refused. They all tried their hardest to reason with him as they could see how suffocated and stuffy he felt. At the end, they persuaded him to take his jumper off and he remained wearing his blazer.

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