Chapter 16: The sleepover

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Narrator's POV

After getting changed, Jungkook headed to work. He made sure to bring his bag that contained his clothes inside. Jin asked him if he wanted to go together from work, which Jungkook agreed to, so he didn't need to go back home to pick it up. He made sure to pack not too much but not too lightly. Jungkook was nervous since it was his first 'sleepover.' Back then, he never thought he would have the opportunity to have one, but there he was, getting ready to go to one.

When he arrived at work, he quickly slipped on his apron and his tag before going near the counter. Jungkook didn't realise that as time went by with him being around the others, he started feeling more confident, which is why it was getting easier for him to maintain conversations with others. Although he still had some fear, he was able to take over the cashier and take people's orders. That was a huge improvement since before he used to run away from situations that involved other people and talking. Now he was starting to relax. Also because he could just picture all of his friends telling him that he could do it and that they were proud of him in his mind. They gave him strength that he didn't know he ever had in him, and that made him appreciate them even more. They taught Jungkook more about friendship than his parents ever did, and that meant something.

Jin entered the shop and instantly waved at Jungkook when he noticed him. Jungkook cheerily waved back as Jin walked towards him.

"You already started?" he asked.

"No, I just came. If you want, I can take over for you until you're ready?" Jungkook offered.

"That would be great. Thanks Jungkook, you're a lifesaver," Jin thanked him.

Customers came in and out of the cafe and hours passed like that. Before he realised it, his shift was over and he was already taking his work attire off.

"Ready Jungkook?" Jin said as he peeked into the staff room.

Jungkook nodded and quickly joined Jin before they both started walking to Namjoon's house.

"You go to Namjoon's house a lot, right hyung?" Jungkook randomly asked as they walked on the pavement.

"Yeah, I do. His parents and my parents are best friends so I've practically known him my whole life," he told him.

"Really? Wow. That must mean you know everything about hyung."

"Yeah. Ha, I'm sure I know him more than he knows himself," Jin chuckled.

"That's cool. I've always wondered what that would feel like, having a childhood best friend," Jungkook said as he looked down at the pavement, kicking a loose rock he found.

"Not everyone has a childhood best friend Jungkook. Some people do but some people don't, but that doesn't mean that the person that you stumble across tomorrow can't be one of the bestest friends you've ever had. Me and Namjoon were just lucky that we were similar and actually found a great friendship that we potentially want to keep forever," Jin told him.

"You're right hyung," he smiled to the older.

"But when you were younger Jungkook, wasn't there anyone who always played with you or stayed by your side in nursery?"

"I'm sure I did, but I can't remember. That says something doesn't it? It means that they weren't around for that long to make me remember them."

Jin nodded.

"I was happier when I was younger. Not worrying about making a fool of myself in front of others, or even making friends because for kids, their siblings or parents was their bestest friend. I don't have siblings so my parents were my best friends. But I always blended with all the other kids and was with them... Later, everyone grew up and life became hard for me, especially at home, so I naturally became an outcast. When I was in Elementary, I hardly spoke to anyone because I was determined to do my best so my parents didn't have to worry about me. Little did I know that I actually worsened the issue by isolating myself because I drove myself to becoming a victim of bullying," Jungkook admitted to Jin.

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