Chapter 6: A Day Out

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Jimin's POV

There was a bright, harsh light shining on me and my eyes reacted by shutting them close. After a minute, I decided to open them. The light was reflecting off the mirror as it shone on me. Wait a minute, this wasn't my room.

After I took in the layout of the room, it dawned to me that I was in Jungkook's room. Right I ended up staying over. Flashbacks of yesterday's events came to my mind, which instantly made me smile. I still couldn't believe Jungkook said those things. He had accepted me and I could tell that he was starting to open up to me and that made me full of joy. I guess my hard work was paying off.

After some thinking, I snapped back to reality and checked the time. Woah, it was nearly 12pm. I knew it was a Saturday, but this seemed a bit late to me so I decided to get out of bed. I quickly tidied the bed since it wasn't mine and I slept in it so I should have some manners and clean it up after Jungkook so kindly let me sleep there. Speaking of Jungkook, I didn't know if he was awake or not, so I went downstairs without looking at my appearance. Meh.

As I walked downstairs, I couldn't hear any movement, it was dead silent. I peered over the couch and in front of me was Jungkook, peacefully sleeping. I walked in front of the couch and crouched down to eye level. I looked at the scene. Papers and books were scattered around the table beside me, and Jungkook's glasses rested neatly on top. Jungkook, was half dead on the couch, his body sprawled over. I looked at him. This reminded me of the time in the infirmary.

Without me realising, I stared at him. For the first time I saw him without his glasses. I could properly see the long lashes that peeped out of his eyelids and curled at the end. When you wear glasses, the details of your eyes are not really seen due to the lenses, but I could see everything. His milky white skin looked soo soft that I wanted to poke it, but I resisted the urge. I saw his small scar on his cheek again, and a smile grew on my face. I don't know why it makes me smile, but I just love how unique it is to Jungkook and how it highlighted his cute cheeks. On top of that his hair was sprawled everywhere, which made me laugh at how cute it made him look. He had long, curly, dark hair, and I liked it - in contrast to my wavy pink hair right now.

At that moment, I couldn't help myself and put my fingers through his hair. I'm sorry but I was just too tempted. Temptation got the best of me. I didn't pull his hair up or anything, just brushed it down. The only word that processed in my brain was the word soft. It was exactly how you would think it felt like.

Stroking his hair did make Jungkook move a little, but he remained asleep. It was getting late, and although I didn't want to, I needed to wake him up.

"Jungkook-ah," I said as I continued brushing his hair, not caring that I would get caught.

I was just brushing his hair, nothing bad.

Jungkook stirred a little, and I called him again. He stilled, before his eyes fluttered open and I had to hold my breath. My eyes couldn't believe what it was seeing. It was met with those dark doe eyes of his that I never really saw. I don't know why, but I was mesmerised. Jungkook did have big eyes, and it felt like I was staring at the galaxy.

While I was in my trance, Jungkook adjusted to the light and saw me. I was still stroking his hair, and his eyes curved as he gave me a smile.

"Morning hyung," he said in his husky morning voice.

I couldn't breathe. The crinkles that appeared in the corner of his eyes made me freeze, and the appearance of his small dimple made me gulp.

"Hyung, did you sleep okay?" he asked me again, which finally snapped me out of it.

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