Chapter 20

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Harry and Draco breathed in the fumes from the train station, heading to platform 9¾. Their kids and Teddy trailing behind. They were about to send off their second child together, their youngest only a year away from going to Hogwarts as well. James seemed happiest out of all them to go back to Hogwarts, this time with one of his siblings coming as well. James was special, a true mix of Harry and Draco. He had mostly black hair but highlights of platinum blonde. One eye was green and the other was grey. He had freckles like Harry, a nose like Draco, and grew tall like Draco as well.

"Lily pay attention, this is how you will get to the train station next year." Harry smiled at the little blonde girl. She looked just like Draco, but with his green eyes.

"Yes Papa." She smiled, watching her two older brothers go first. James was the first to run through the pillar, he smirked with confidence at his siblings as they watched in awe. James was going to be a fourth year so he knew the drill already. James and Teddy went through the pillar together.

"Harry! There you are. James already go on his run?" Ron asked, Hermione trailing behind him with their two kids. "He did this his first year too. I just want to be a good god father and watch him do it at least once." Ron pouted to Hermione's amusement. She laughed before greeting Harry and Draco with a hug.

"Rose dear, it's your and Severus's turn." Hermione smiled, gesturing to the pillar.

Ron winked saying, "Just run as fast as you can."

"I'll run with you if it makes you feel better!" Blaise popped up out of nowhere.

"Uncle Blaise!" Severus ran and hugged Blaise Zabini. "You're here!"

"Of course, what kind of God Father would I be if I wasn't here to help you through the pillar for your first year of Hogwarts." Zabini grinned devilishly, laughing at Ron. "Now, let's get you to the other side."

Blaise helped push Severus's cart and through the pillar they went. Rose quickly following behind. Harry, Draco, Lily, Ron, Hermione, and Hugo went through together too. Harry and Draco helped their kids get their stuff on the train and soon it was time to say goodbye. Harry and Teddy hugged before Teddy went to his Huflepuff friends. Lily tried getting on the train with her brothers and Teddy.

"Lily Narcissa Malfoy-Potter! Get back here!" Draco yelled before scooping his daughter up into his arms. "You cannot play around in the train station, what if you get hurt?" Draco kissed her forehead.

"Sorry Daddy, I just want to see what it looks like." Lily said. Draco half-heartedly scolded her while Harry was saying goodbye to the boys and Rose.

"Papa, I'm scared." Severus said, hugging Harry tightly.

Harry let go of the small boy before him, ruffling his hair. "Of what? Daddy and I both went to Hogwarts. Uncle Ron, Uncle Blaise, Aunt Pansy, Aunt Hermione, Uncle Neville, Aunt Luna, and Aunt Ginny all went to Hogwarts too. We were all there together and we've all made great friends as well."

"But Papa, I heard some students whispering about how bad it is to be in Slytherin and that people in Sytherin turn out to be bad people. What if I get sorted into Slytherin?" Severus whispered.

Harry got down so that he was eye level with his son. Severus had Draco's eyes and nose, but the rest was all Harry; including the messy black hair. "Did I ever tell you that Daddy and I named you after a Slytherin?" Severus gasped. "Oh yes, He was Slytherin. He also used to be headmaster of Hogwarts, and he was probably the bravest man I have ever known." Harry smiled as he watched Severus's unease slowly fade away. "So, Severus Scorpius Mafloy-Potter, go make Papa and Daddy proud. We will love you no matter what house you get. Just because James got Gryffindor, it doesn't mean you have to. Daddy was a Slytherin and you know how much we all love him." Harry hugged and kissed his son's forehead.

"We'll love you regardless, even if you're a ravenclaw! You'll be too smart for Papa and I." Draco laughed, hugging Severus. "It doesn't matter what house you get sorted in to. The sorting hat is fair and will put you where you belong. Every house has it's positives, so just be yourself. As long as you are happy, we'll be happy too. Now get on the train before it leaves. We'll send you a letter of all the great Slytherin's we know, so you can be proud regardless if you get in Slytherin or not."

Severus quickly hugged Lily before he hopped on the train. He decided to sit with Rose and another boy, waving goodbye out the window to his parents. He smiled, determined to be brave, like the man he was named after. He hopped that he would get to learn more about the old headmaster, and hoped that maybe he would get put in Slytherin. If not Slytherin then he defininitely wanted Gryffindor.

~~~ The Letter ~~~

Dear Severus,

We heard you got into Slytherin! Daddy is super proud of you, he is trying to decorate the whole house in green. It may even still be up when you come for Christmas break. Here is that list of great people who were in Slytherin:

Draco Malfoy (Daddy)
Blaise Zabini (Uncle)
Pansy Parkinson (Aunt)
Severus Snape
Horace Slughorn
Andromeda Tonks
Narcissa Malfoy (Grandma)
Gregory Goyle
Vincent Crabbe

And there is many more, but these are people that Papa and Daddy knew personally while at Hogwarts. Go see if you can talk to Severus Snape's portrait, be sure to say hi for us. Be sure to send us lots of letters! Make tons of good friends! We love you, have fun, be safe, and learn a lot!

~Love, Papa and Daddy

This is it, thank you for reading and enjoying this story, check out my other Drarry's as well (they both are up) and leave comments! Have a wonderful night my loves.

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