Chapter 5

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Harry's eyes glossed over in pink and a stupid smile crept up onto his face. Hermione then knew her suspicions were correct about the cookies.

"Malfoy, I think I'm in love with you." Harry blurted. Malfoy's face turned bright pink. "Let's date. Please say yes." Harry grabbed Malfoy's hands.

"Potter you've been put under a spell. Let's get a potion to make you normal again." Malfoy removed his hands from Harry.

"Yeah, Ginny what did you do to those cookies?" Hermione crossed her arms and glared at the ginger girl infront of her.

"Why did you guys have to ruin it! He's supposed to be mine! He's supposed to love me!" Ginny grumbled and looked away. "Figure it out yourselves."

"Ginny if you don't tell us how to reverse this I will tell mum." Ron was trying to hold back Harry from hugging the 'reluctant' blonde.

"This wouldn't have been an issue if you guys hadn't interfered." Ginny turned up her nose. "We can go to slughorn tomorrow to reverse this. It'll take atleast a day to make the reversal potion." Ginny stomped off.

"What am I supposed to do with Potter?" Malfoy asked. Pansy was trying to help Ron detach Harry from Malfoy.

"Live with him like this for a couple of days, I'm sorry it's the best we can do. I'll make sure the reversal is made as soon as possible. Let's go Ron, I'm going to send Slughorn a letter." Hermione walked away, Ron trailing behind her. She couldn't help but laugh as soon as they got to the dormitory. If Malfoy doesn't know that Harry actually likes him then he can either accept or reject Harry now and Harry can blame it on the love cookies. But if Malfoy accepts these feelings, then they can have a relationship after the cookie thing blows over.


"Pansy help me!"

"Listen Dray dray, just enjoy the next few days with the lovey dovey Potter. I'm going to bed, have fun." Pansy winked before skipping away. Potter in the meantime was hugging Draco from behind and snuggling into the nap of his neck. Draco sighed and tried walking but the ravenette made it so damn hard.

"Listen, Potter,"


"What?" Draco asked.

"Harry. My name is Harry. Call me Harry." Harry smiled on his neck causing Draco to bite his bottom lip. Draco could feel every light breath that Harry took, it was electrifying.

"H-Harry. We can't get anywhere with you hanging on me like this. Let's compromise, so let's hold hands and go to our room. So we can walk but you can also still hold a part of me." Draco blushed. Potter nodded and slowly released the blonde from a hug. Potter interlaced their fingers and smiled. Draco looked away, blushing, and the two walked to their room together. Draco locked the door after the got in and put on his pajamas and got into his bed. The problem arose after Harry put on his pajamas and tried getting into bed with Draco. "What are you doing?!"

Harry looked down dejectedly, "I just want to snuggle a bit, sleep together." Draco rolled his eyes and blushed a little bit. He scooted over to make room and lifted up the covers, motioning Potter into the bed. The act was met with a big bright smile from Potter who happily got into the bed. "Can I ask for one more thing?" Harry positioned himself so that the two boys were facing each other, their legs intertwined and Dracos head rested on Harry's arm. Harry placed his other arm around the blonde while said blonde curled up inside to him.

Draco raised an eyebrow saying, "Depends on what it is."

"Can I kiss your forehead?" After a moment of thinking Draco finally, slowly, nodded his head. Potter gently and lovingly placed a kiss ontop of Dracos forehead. "Good night Draco." Harry pulled him in close.

"Good night Pot- Harry." Draco wrapped one arm around Potter and soon fell asleep.

Draco awoke to the smell of Potter. The ravenette was asleep, but still holding him. Draco gently pushed hair from Potter's eyes and gazed at the boy in front of him. For once during the two-ish months he understood why Potter was staring at him. Draco wanted to memorize his face; not just his asleep face but his happy face, sad face, angry face, loving face, horny face, any and every emotion or face that Potter had. Why Potter wanted Draco to call him Harry. Why Potter wanted to call him Draco. But, he couldn't admit all of this aloud. Speaking this truth outside might not end the way Draco would want. The truth sets you free but reality doesn't always go your way.

After a few moments Potter stirred in his sleep and slowly woke up. He pulled Draco in tighter and smiled, taking in a deep breath before quietly saying, "Good Morning sunshine."

"Good Morning." Draco tried to get up, but Potter pulled him back down.

"Just let me hold you a while longer. Please? I won't get to see you for most of the day and I already know you don't want to sit together at breakfast or lunch or even dinner. So please, just let me hold you a little longer." Draco succumbed and melted in Potters arms who happily held him.

After a few minutes Draco untangled himself from Potter and did his morning routine. He let Potter give him a hug before he went off to breakfast first, Potter trailing behind.


"So Harry how was your night?" Hermione glared at Ginny.

"Great!" Harry melted in his seat. His blush was on full display and he had the same stupid grin plastered on his face.

"Blimey what the bloody hell did you two do last night?" Ron raised an eyebrow and blushed slightly.

"Oh we just-" Ginny stood up abruptly and left the great hall by herself. "What's the matter with her? We only snuggled because I begged him. But it was wonderful."

"That's wonderful Harry. Have you thrown away those cookies?" Hermione asked.

"No of course not, they're still good! That would be rude to just throw away Ginny's hard work, and the cookie I had last night was really good."

"I see. Well are you ready to go to class?" Hermione smiled.


Granger walked up to Draco and his friends. "Malfoy, get rid of the cookies Ginny made before Harry has more. Otherwise the love spell will increase and Harry will fall for you more than he has already with the cookie. You see what one has done, imagine two or three more and what they can do."

"Potter can fall for me more than he already has?" Draco's eyes widened. "No way, he's already crazy about me. I can't handle anymore than he already is."

"Good, now make sure he doesn't eat anymore. Otherwise I'd have to notify Slughorn to make the reversal potion stronger. Which would make you have to wait longer for him to go back to normal."

"Well you better make sure he doesn't eat anymore cookies." Pansy laughed. She and Blaise stalked off to their class.

"Thanks Hermione. I'll make sure to get the cookies out before he eats anymore."

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