Chapter 8

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Bear with me, this is going to be a long chapter. Please enjoy!

~The day before the potion is complete~

Draco got up extra early so that he could send Granger an owl before breakfast. It was important that she have enough time to figure out a plan for tomorrow. Though, she is smart enough to figure out that Harry doesn't want the reversal potion on her own, Draco felt that he wanted to be somewhat useful and helpful. As much as he wants to keep living like this with Harry, it will eventually wear off. Might as well get it over with now as opposed to later.

Draco peeked at Harry and he was still sleeping, he sent the owl and went into the bathroom. He was brushing his teeth when Harry walked in yawning.

"G'mornin' Draco." Harry started the shower and started undressing. Draco spit out the remainder of his toothpaste, blushing and quickly tried getting out the bathroom. Harry caught him though. "Lets save water and shower together." Harry smirked. Draco blushed even more but couldn't protest as his clothes were stripped away from him


"Hermione you have an owl. Geeze why so early?" Kellah complained. She threw a pillow at Hermione to wake her up. Hermione threw the pillow right back and grabbed the letter from the owl. She gave the owl a little treat before sending it away.

"We all know Ron doesn't send love letters, he's not a romantic type." Parvati sighed.

"That owl is so loud, tell your secret admirer to stop sending this one in particular, it drives me mad when it comes so early or late at night." Lavender scowled before heading out of the room. Fortunately Fay was still fast asleep.

"The person sending me owls is not a secret admirer. If you must know Ginny put Harry under a love spell and the person who he fell in love with is sending me updates about his condition." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Only Ginny can mess that up." Parvati laughed. "Who did he fall in love with instead?"

"Now that, I can't tell you. They don't want anyone to know." Hermione sighed.

"I bet it's Draco Malfoy, he's been causing so much trouble for Harry lately. I wouldn't be surprised if they were in the middle of a spat and Harry ate whatever Ginny gave him and fell in love." Kellah laughed, waking Fay up.

"Why! Why laughter so early!" Her alarm started to ring. "Ugh never mind. What are you guys talking about?" She smiled.

"Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter." Parvati smirked.

"Oh is the ship finally sailing?" Fay grinned excitedly.

Kellah shrugged, "We don't know. Hermione is being tight lipped."

"I will look to divination if I have to Hermione." Parvati smiled suspiciously. "We will find out one way or another."

"Find out what?" Lavender walked back in to put on clothes for the day.

"If our ship has sailed or not." Fay started to get dressed too.

"Oh well then Hermione better tell us then." Lavender looked at Parvati. "Or you can can't you Parvati?"

"Merlin! If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone else!" Hermione sighed as they all nodded their heads, leaned in a bit closer, and looked at her with big curious eyes. "Your ship is built and on the dock, it has not yet sailed. It will probably set sail soon though."

"That's it? Come on, you have to have more details than that!" Kellah exclaimed. "I need - NEED - more details! Hermione please!"

"Yeah come on, you can't leave us hanging like that." Parvati pouted.

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