Chapter 19

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Harry told headmistress Mcgonagall the very next day he was going to keep the baby. He was met with a hug and she told him that he was very brave and that if he ever needed help with the baby that she was only an owl away. Harry slowly let the news out to his friends, who were very happy to be an Aunt and Uncle. Draco told his friends the news and Pansy got extremely excited. So excited, in fact, that she got gender neutral clothes for the baby the very next day. Pansy and Hermione vowed to do a gender reveal party/baby shower and make it the best anyone had ever been to.

Harry was lucky, his baby bump wouldn't show much while at school. There were a few stragglers here and there who had heard about his pregnancy, but they either didnt believe it or wished Harry good luck/congratulations. The boy who lived, twice; some weren't all surprised to hear about him being pregnant. It seemed possible for that to happen to Harry of all people.

Soon enough Harry, Hermione, Ron, and all the rest of their year had to take their final exams. It was tough for Harry to do and he had to do it in a different room than everyone else. He wasnt allowed to stress about it as much as the other students so he could keep his baby as happy as he could.

After their final exams Harry and Draco moved in together at 12 Grimmualed Place, enchanting it so that it wouldn't be so dark and moody feeling. Kreecher sulked about, unhappy about the 'happy' filled rooms. Harry and Draco painted the walls neutral tones and put in newer furniture, getting the babyroom started. They took out the portion of wall with Walburga Black's portrait on it, placing it in the attic while she was sleeping. Never knowing the difference, Harry and Draco would never have to hear her shrieks again.

After moving in both and Harry and Draco were employed in the ministry. Harry as an Auror, he was given light and easy jobs after job training because he was pregnant. Draco was in some manager role in the ministry. While Draco didn't need the job, he had lots of money to fall back on from his family, he wanted to provide for his growing family in his own way.

Draco and Harry weren't allowed into the babyroom, Hermione and Pansy were in charge of decorating, painting, all the works. Harry was thankful for the two witches, he didnt know the first thing about being a parent. Let alone baby rooms.

When Harry reached 8 months, Pansy and Hermione threw the baby shower/reveal party, asking that if the people who will attend buy clothes for the baby, to make the clothes gender neutral. Hermione made a large list that the Malfoy-Potter's needed for the baby. When someone who was attending bought something, sent an owl of what they bought, Hermione would cross it off and everyone who received the list would know what else to get.

Everyone who was invited, attended. Pansy, Hermione, Blaise, the whole Weasley Clan, Luna, Neville, Goyle, some Slytherins Harry didn't quite know but Pansy added to the list because they're rich, the teachers from Hogwarts, Mcgonagall even came, and all the adults (who were still alive) Harry recieved guidance from; everyone was there. By the end of the party Harry and Draco waved a wand around and revealed their baby was a boy!

After the party Hermione, Ron, Pansy, Goyle, Neville, Luna and Blaise stayed and helped levitate everything where it needed to go in the baby room. They all hung out, Draco making dinner for everyone, and caught up with each other for a few hours before they all left. Hugs and wishes of luck went all around.

The 9 months went by fast and Harry had to be induced. 

"Why the hell did I fucking agree to this! Draco why the fuck does this hurt so fucking much! Bloody HELLLL!" Harry screamed as the contractions became closer and got more intense. Draco held Harry's hand lovingly.

"Everything is okay! Just breathe." Draco tried to remain calm, but he was freaking out as much as Harry was.

"How about we switch places and you fucking try breathing when giving birth!" Harry screamed as he started pushing. After an hour full of cursing and pushing their baby boy entered the world. As soon as the baby was cleaned up they put him on Harry's chest, skin to skin, and Draco kissed Harry gingerly. James Sirius Malfoy-Potter, Harry insisted on the name since he was the one who had to give birth.

Author here! This story will be coming to a close in the next chapter. I hope y'all have enjoyed this. If you haven't already, go check out my other Drarry I'm writing currently. Its called Hogwarts Academy. There is another Drarry soon to come out since I am writing Hogwarts Academy so quickly, that will be called sex friends. Obviously that one is for mature audiences. Have wonderful days! See y'all in the next chapter.

Thoughts About YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora