Chapter 7

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Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Harry, Granger and Weasley all met up at the least frequented courtyard to talk about the current situation. They all had their dinner early and met there because they knew no one would be there and most people would be eating. A very important discussion was to be had, and they needed privacy.

"What's taking Slughorn so long to make the reversal potion?" Draco asked. Harry was sitting right next to him, trying to hold his hand or hug him. Harry smiled like a dork and Draco was trying unsuccessfully to hide his blush, allowing Harry to hold his hand.

"Malfoy you've got to realize that Slughorn was almost done with the potion from the first cookie. The second was stronger than the first. Slughorn had to completely start over and go get the materials, which I will remind you, they are not easy to find. You guys were lucky that he happened to have the materials for the first one, and that he had enough for it. He'll be back in four days with the materials and it should be another 4 days to make the potion as strong as it needs to be." Hermione crossed her arms. "Eight days, can you handle eight more days Malfoy?" Hermione smirked. The blush on Malfoy's face told her everything she needs to know, now if he can own up to it as well that would be a plus.

"Yeah, I can wait that long." Draco looked away as Harry tried snuggling closer to him, the blush became much more evident on his face. "H- Potter can you stop please?" Harry frowned but reluctantly listened to the blonde.

"Okay great. I'll send an owl as soon as I know that Slughorn is back." Hermione smiled.

"Alright well if this is over then I'm going back to the Great Hall." Ron smiled.

"I'm going to Slytherin dorm, ya comin' Pansy?" Blaise pointed.

"No, I think I'll wait a minute go on ahead." Pansy smiled and Blaise went on his way.

"Ron, I'll meet up with you later in the common room."

"Ah, okay. Later then." Ron kissed her cheek and then went on his way.

"We'll be on our way too. I dont want anyone to see him like this with me, even if he's under a spell. Let's go Harry." Draco and Harry went on their way to their dorm together, holding hands like it was the most natural thing in the world.

"So, does Malfoy like Harry or am I imagining things?" Hermione asked, sitting next to Pansy.

"Considering all Draco would talk about was Potter, even before the cookie incident, I would say so. That boy can always take any conversation and turn it into talking about Potter. Potter this and Potter that; He's never directly told me that he likes Potter though. How about Potter? Does he have the hots for Draco?" Pansy asked.

"Hmmm, let's just say that he definitely wouldn't complain about their current interactions." Hermione smirked and the two girls laughed.

"Ya know, it's really refreshing to talk to another girl." Pansy smiled.

"Specially when they aren't crazy or related to your boyfriend." Hermione smiled back. The two girls conversed a little bit more, talking about anything and everything they wanted to, and then went on their separate ways.


"Dracoooo! Come snuggle with me." Harry crossed his arms and protested. Draco was currently on the opposite side of the room in his bed.

"Harry, in eight days we won't be able to snuggle every night. Let me get used to not sleeping with you." Draco was scared and sad. Scared that Harry would remember everything they've done while he was under the spell and hate him for going along, or question why Draco didn't stop him from doing those things. Sad that Harry would never want to do anything with Draco ever again. Sad to have to give Harry back the muggle shirt that smells just like him. Sure, he didn't know if any of that would absolutely have to happen when the spell was done, but Draco only wanted to be happy. He turned so that he wouldn't see Harry staring at him from across the room as he kept asking Draco to get into bed with him.

"No, I'm going to snuggle you for an eternity." Harry smiled as he got into Draco's bed with him. Draco gave up and let the taller boy wrap his arms around him. Harry pressed his front against Draco's back and breathed in the blonde's scent. "You're so warm, and smell so good." Draco was engulfed in feelings, he didn't know what to do. Draco turned around and buried his face in Harry's chest, their legs tangled together. "No matter what happens, I'll always want to snuggle you." The boys shared a sweet kiss and snuggled for the rest of the night.

The next two nights were spent like that until an owl flew in before the pair went to bed.

"I'll get it, just lay down and I'll get in bed soon."


Professor Slughorn came back early. He started on the potion about an hour ago and I just had to tell you as soon as I found out. Just three to four more days until Harry goes back to normal. Exciting right? Have a good night, tell Harry I said good night!


Draco felt a little down, his time with Harry like this was shortened a day. He thought he might as well enjoy it now before time for them runs out. "Harry," Draco said as he got into bed with the ravenette, "that owl was from Granger. She says Slughorn came back early and is currently working on the potion. She also says good night." Harry pulled Draco in close and frowned, kissing the blonde ontop of his head.

"I don't want to drink that potion. I want to keep loving you freely." Harry pouted. Freely? Draco thought. "At the very least Mione said good night." A smile replaced the frown as Harry brought his face closer to Draco's. "Good night my love." Harry whispered and then kissed Draco. Draco wished that he would  get used to their kisses already, but every kiss Harry gave Draco sent electricity through his lips and into the rest of his body. Every kiss was time stopping, gut wrenching, and filled Draco with happiness and butterflies at the same time. Always magical.

Freely, Harry used freely earlier. Draco thought, hoped, that freely meant what he thought it meant.

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