Chapter 2

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It had been a week since Draco had noticed the disturbence in Potter. He still was acting weird, seems like Granger wasn't any help that one night Potter left suddenly from dinner. Draco had also noticed that the staring had increased, as well as Potter noticed when Draco caught him staring. Then Potter had the audacity to turn and act like he wasn't staring. It was starting to get on Draco's nerves.

"Am I crazy or has boy wonder been staring?" Draco asked Pansy at lunch. She gave him a puzzled look as Draco darted his eyes towards Potter trying to not move. He wanted Pansy to see that he wasn't crazy. She peered over Blaise's shoulder and sure enough, green orbs were focused on her blonde friend.

"Try looking at him." She said, still focused on the boy who lived. Draco turned his attention on him and Potter quickly looked away. "Yes he is definitely staring at you." She went back to her food.

"Why is Potter so interested in you?" Blaise asked. His eyebrow twitched and a smirked crossed his face.

"No clue, but it better end soon or I'll lose my mind." Draco snarled. This whole Potter staring thing was getting on his nerves. He was starting to think more about Potter and that was the last thing he wanted.


Harry didn't know what to do other than stare at Malfoy. How does one approach someone who used to be your enemy? Especially when you want to change enemy into friend...

"Harry how is everything?" Hermione asked.

"The same, though, my mind is a lot better now, less confused. Thanks Mione." Hermione smiled. "Just I keep staring at them and they've begun to notice and I feel awkward and don't know how to broach the topic of friendship."

"Have you tried talking to them?" She rolled her eyes when he shook his head. She was certain that he was infatuated with this person. All she had to do was figure out who it was. "How about writing in a journal? Maybe putting your thoughts about this person will help you figure out what to do."

Harry laughed, "Maybe, but I don't know if keeping a diary is going to help. Especially when there are sticky fingers in the boys dorm."

"Just put a charm on it like what the map has.."

"Oh yeah, you're right."


"What could they possibly be laughing at with four eyes staring at me still. It's so irritating." Draco sighed.

"Who cares, it's not like they are going to try anything." Pansy scoffed.

Draco stood up and left the great hall by himself. There was something wrong with Potter. Its affecting him as well now. Draco's thoughts were now of the green eyed boy, and he would rather not think so much about someone who is supposed to be his enemy. It's unnatural.

For the next week Malfoy made it a point to bump into Harry and insult him in some way or another. Tripped him up at times, threaten to fight Harry, and more to get under his skin. In Malfoys mind, if Potter was staring, it because he doesn't hate him enough. Harry on the other hand only thought more and more about Malfoy. He couldn't hate him anymore. He was tired of the hatred. The professors held a meeting and were deciding on what to do with the boys if they actually got physical with each other. Ms. McGonagall was the only person with an idea to force the two to stop fighting. Of course, her plan would only happen if the boys got into a muggle fist fight though. As Malfoy is a pureblood, surely that wouldn't happen.


"You know Harry, wanna go to Hogsmeade with me?" Ginny asked. "To get your mind off of things? It just seems so busy recently, and I thought maybe you would want a break from it?" Ginny was blushing and toying with her red locks.

Going somewhere to take a break and put his mind on other things sounded great to Harry, but not alone with Ginny. "You know, that sounds like a great idea. Let's invite Ron, Hermione, Luna, and Neville too. I'm sure they all would enjoy a break as well."

Harry went to walk away but Ginny stopped him with, "I was thinking it could just be us though... Like when we used to date."

"Ginny, I don't think I can date anyone at the moment. I know that breaking up with you before the war was mean, but I honestly thought I was going to die and I didn't want you to get more upset over my death because of us dating. But now that I'm alive after all of this mess, I want to take some time to either be by myself or be with my friends. Try and get things back into perspective." Harry couldn't look at her face, he knew she was going to be upset. But what he said was the truth. So after a moment, when she didn't say anything back, he left to the Great Hall for dinner.


"You've been an awful twit all week to Potter, yet he still has the audacity to stare at you like that?" Pansy huffed. She looked behind herself one more time, seeing those green eyes still trained on Draco. "Even I'm getting annoyed now."

"Both of you are annoying with how much you talk about Potter. If he is on your mind so much then you both should just kiss him and get over it already." Blaise glared.

"Oh Blaise, ever the genius. I should definitely just walk up and kiss Potter out of no where! His eyes will forever be on me instead of Draco!" Pansy rolled her eyes.

Draco didn't know why, but hearing Pansy say that she'll go kiss Potter bothered him a bit. Not that it matters who Potter kisses, he was just getting used to the stares from him and kind of started to like it. "Whatever I'm leaving." Draco left and Pansy watched as Potter's head followed Draco on his way out.


"So, everyone want to go to Hogsmeade?" Ginny asked their section of the table.

"Ron and I were just thinking it would be fun to go bet some butterbeer with everyone. We're in!" Hermione smiled.

"I'll go." Neville pipped in.

"If they are all going then I will too." Harry sighed.

After they were all done with dinner, the trio went to the common area to talk about their day. Ron complained about homework and Hermione just laughed at him. Harry was starting to kind of feel normal again.

Ron and him went to bed and Harry couldn't sleep. His thoughts turned to Malfoy, his sharp grey eyes and slender body. He imagined Malfoy right next to him, smiling for once. Malfoy rarely smiles, but when he does, its just so beautiful. Harry fell asleep to the thought of a smiling Malfoy.

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