Chapter 12

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Draco realized last night that he needed some liquid courage in order to make the first move. So this morning he, begrudgingly, told Blaise that he would very much like to drink some tonight. Of course all of his friends were excited to be drinking with him after classes that day. Pansy was requesting certain liquors she'd like to drink, Draco didn't want to be that extra. He just need one, maybe two, drinks in order to take the first step in making the first move.

In potions that day, they started working on the reversal for Amortentia. Slughorn gave the grades for the first part, the higher the grade the better made the Amortentia was. Harry and Draco got full marks, which was why they could smell multiple things instead of one or two.

Eating times, both boys couldn't help but look at each other. The barely ate and hardly paid attention to what their friends were saying. Both of them kept looking away and blushing whenever the other would catch them staring. It was kind of a mess.

For both boys the day went by quickly, neither of them wanted to be split up the next day. Both of them wanted to tell the other of their true feelings. To kiss each other again. To feel the electricity and butterflies. Harry however was never going to be brave enough to initiate it. He was only able to before because of the love spell. Now, he was just too nervous. Draco didn't want to initiate anything before Harry remembered everything and would actually tell him that Harry liked him. Draco figured last night that Harry wasn't going to brave enough from last night, hence the drinking tonight with his friends.

After classes were over Draco snuck into a rarely used tower with his friends. "Do you have everything?" Pansy asked as they reached a dusty old room which they cleaned with a flick of their wands.

"Do I have everything? Of course I have everything miss 'I want tequila and rum, along with a sweet chaser.' I am the master on sneaking in alcohol. Plus the elves love me." Blaise rolled his eye and brought out a pouch. He took out all the alcohol and juice/pop for everyone. "Now, tequila is strictly for Pansy, when she's drunk it's all she wants and she will curse the hell out of you to get it. I learned that the hard way." He got out red solo cups and just gave one to Pansy to mix her own drink. "Wanna start out with a Bacardi?"

"Yeah, I don't want to drink too much, just enough to let me not be nervous when I tell Harry how I feel." Draco rubbed the back of his neck.

"Okay, three drinks MAX for you." Blaise poured in the Bacardi and then some coca cola. "All Bacardi or do you want some rum? Or even vodka?"

"Bacardi is fine for me. I will take a shot of vodka though." Draco said, sipping at the Bacardi.

Blaise only nodded before making himself and Goyle a drink. By the time Draco had finished his one cup, Pansy was on her third drink of rum and coke. She was getting ready for the tequila next. Draco shrugged as he took the shot of vodka and was starting to fell the alcohol kick in a little bit. He made himself another Bacardi with coke and drank away.

"Do you mind if I take the Bacardi with me?" Draco asked. The bottle was still mostly full and there was still a ton of coca cola left.

"Yeah just take some coke with you too. Have a great night!" Blaise laughed, his face flushed from drinking.

"Bye bye Dray Dray, Have fun with your boy!" Pansy giggled as she set herself up against a wall with the tequila bottle. Draco shook his head and looked at Goyle who was mostly sober. Draco could trust him to take care of their drunk asses tonight.

"See ya tomorrow." Draco laughed, grabbed the two bottles and making them small enough to fit in his pocket. He made his way down the tower over to the tower Harry and he was staying and opened the door to Harry studying.

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