Chapter 18

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"You're what?!" Ron exclaimed.

"I need to go to the library..." Hermione sighed, her eyes wide in disbelief.

"Have you been secretly female this whole time and we didn't know?!" Dean started to freak out, mumbling things about how Harry had a female frame, but didn't have boobs, that it all just didn't make sense into Seamus's shoulder.

"Harry I think you broke my boyfriend." Seamus said, hugging Dean and letting him get it out of his system.


Harry and Draco was just laughing at the scene unfolding before them. Harry finally said, "I can't believe you know what sexual organs means."

"Harry that's not the important part, I'm not that dumb! There's no way you can be pregnant you are a dude! Madam Pomfrey had to've messed up!"

"Trust me, I was in just as much disbelief as you. But no Madam Pomfrey didn't fuck up, this is an extremely rare occurrence and only certain wizarding families have a gene where the male can also conceive a child. I'm sure after Hermione does her research she can explain it better than me." Harry chuckled. "I thought the same when I first heard it."

The guys laughed and thought about names for the baby. When Hermione came back she was in a bad mood, it took her forever  to find a single book about the subject. She told everyone everything she found out and they all understood a little bit better. Dean seemed to stop freaking out, and he stopped wondering is he too was pregnant. Neville went through a list of herbs that could help with his morning sickness and promote and help baby growth.

"So Harry, are you keeping the baby?" Hermione finally asked after everything and everyone calmed down.

He looked around and sighed. "I don't know yet. Draco and I have to discuss that some more. Plus it isn't even something I imagined myself ever doing. But I'm glad we can have kids together."

"Well when you guys figure it out, make sure to let us know." Hermione half smiled, rubbing Harry's arm for comfort.

"We will." Harry half smiled back, gently squeezing Draco's hand as he looked up at his lover.

With that conversation out of the way, Harry and Draco went to the room of requirement together. After talking with all of Harry's friends about their situation, they needed some alone time before talking to Draco's friends.

They laid on the bed the room always provided and looked up at the starry night ceiling, even though it was still only around lunch time.

"How do you think your friends will take the news?" Harry asked, cuddling closer to Draco.

"Well, first they are going to be like, that's impossible! They'll asked questions. Then they'll be happy. Pansy will probably get ecstatic, wanna be the god mom or whatever. Blaise is going to joke about either my sex ability or sperm. Goyle is a man of few words." Draco chuckled, hugging Harry and placing a kiss ontop of his forehead.

"This is random but how many kids do you want?"

"I don't know. Most of my life my parents made me view marriage as a contract of sorts. I was supposed to meet a powerful pureblood witch, marry her, and consummate the marriage with a child. My mother and father had to grow into loving each other. Father always told me I would have to do the same when I got older. But now everything is different, I am in love with you. I see a future with you and I do want to marry you. You're pregnant, and I know the situation is scary, that everything is moving fast. Everything is so unexpected but everything will be okay no matter if you decide you want this baby or not; because, I will always be by your side. I will love and support you unconditionally. Harry, you and I can get through anything as long as we do it together." Draco pulled Harry into himself and hugged him, kissing his cheek gingerly.

"What, no 'will you marry me?' After all that?" Harry giggled, hugging Draco back just as firmly.

"We don't need to rush anything Harry. Let's just be happy dating right now. And if you decide to keep the baby we can be happy being parents who are dating rather than married. And maybe after we can get married, after we've settled ourselves in parenthood. Maybe we can even have more than one kid together. But that's all future talk, let's live in our moment right now and enjoy each other."

Harry simply nodded into Dracos chest as his thoughts played tug of war in his mind. After a while of cuddling Harry whispered, "I think I want to keep this baby." The both of them smiled, giving each other a kiss, and settled in the room of requirement for the night.

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