Chapter 4

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Harry Potter sat in potions, unable to stop staring at the blonde a few tables away. Malfoy and he had been living together for only 2 days but Harry had never felt so alone. If the two weren't bickering then they were engulfed in deafening silence. What happened last night wouldn't get out of his head either...

Harry had changed into his pajamas before Malfoy got to their room, fairly late that night. Malfoy came into the room already not in a good mood so Harry tried to be as quiet as possible. Malfoy also looked like he might've been drinking a little bit .

"Cat got  your tongue Potter?" Malfoy spat out. Harry knew then that a fight was inevitible

"You just seem to not be in a good mood today, just didn't want to bother you..."

"Not bother me? Oh really?? Did bothering me cross your mind at all in the past month, month and a half, that you've been staring at me? Certainly concerned me! Bothered by it too. My friends were creeped out too, but all you did was stare. Then all of a sudden you stopped! Right when I was just getting used to it. Make up your mind Potter! Stare or don't stare. Or better yet, take a picture, it'll last longer!" Malfoy then locked himself in the bathroom for half an hour before coming back into the room and changing into his pajama's. "Do you have anything to say, at all?"

"I'm sorry?"

"I said say, not question." Malfoy sighed and drank some water, probably to sober up. "Again Potter, anything to say?" Putting the glass down on his bedside table, Malfoy got up really close to Harry. Grabbed Harry's chin to force him to look up at him, their lips inches apart. Harry could smell the alcohol on his breath as he shook his head. "Good." Draco said and then collapsed onto his bed and promptly passed out.

'What did he mean by all of that last night?' Harry thought. Malfoy couldn't look at Harry today, Harry could tell. He probably remembered everything he had said last night and was probably embarrassed. Harry didn't care that much though, even though friendship was the goal, at least he knew a little bit more about Malfoy. Silence wasn't good for him either. Harry also knew that Malfoy has known since the begging that he's been staring. Harry decided it was time to fully open up to Hermione and ask for advice.

At lunch Harry secretly asked Hermione if they could talk in private afterwards and she agreed. They had lunch with their friends as usual but when they were done and tried to go off somewhere Ron followed.

"Ron, we are trying to have a private discussion." Hermione said.

"Whatever Harry's got to say to you, he can say to me too."

The trio went off to outside where barely any students were while Ron kept protesting that he should be able to know what they were talking about since it is dealing with his best friend and girlfriend.

"Well, I really only wanted to talk to Hermione about this Ron, not really sure how you would react to this. But I'm really confused about my feelings for the person who I've been thinking a lot about recently. And well..."

"It's Malfoy isn't it?" Hermione smirked. Ron and Harry both blinked in surprise.

"How- How did you know?"

"You stare quite a lot Harry. A few times when you were staring and not paying attention I followed your eyes to him, every single time. Then when all of us were in Three Broomsticks I knew for sure."

"Damn, I really was trying to keep who it was as a secret. And I didn't want to tell you," Harry pointed at Ron, "until I knew for sure what was going on in my mind."

"Well from the sounds of it, it sounds like you are in love with, bloody hell, Malfoy!"

"I don't think its love..." Harry looked down.

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