Chapter 10

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Draco woke up to Harry, clutching his blanket like he was going to die in his sleep and also mumbling something in his sleep, and laughed a little. Draco did his morning routine, got dressed and studied until Harry woke up and got around. They said good morning to each other and walked to the great hall together for breakfast, splitting ways to eat with their friends.

"Have you remembered anything yet?" Hermione asked as Harry sat down.

Harry thought for a moment, filling his plate, and then said, "Sort of. Something happened last night that kind of seemed like deja vu."

"What happened mate?" Ron asked, stuffing his face of sausage.

"Your sister. I think she was trying to put me under a spell again with cookies in this tin she tried to give me last night." Again? Where did that come from? Harry sighed. "Luckily Draco was there to stop her again." Draco? When did that start and why did that slip out? 

Hermione raised her eyebrow. "Have you remembered more than that one incident?"

"Nope, and he won't tell me anything either." Harry sighed and started eating. Ron's face was red as he looked angry and embarrassed. Hermione sighed.


"Ginny!" Ron yelled.

"What?!" Ginny rolled her eyes and stopped walking to her class. She had some time to spare before class began.

"Stay away from Harry. Stop trying to make him love you, obviously he doesn't and he won't ever. Try a second time to force love??? I can't believe you! I am also going to make sure mom knows about this."

"Wait, please, no. You can't-" Ginny plead.

"No, and I will. We told you to not even think about trying it again. Harry is my best friend, he's still confused and has amnesia. I am telling Mom." Ron left, not letting Ginny have another word.


The day went by quickly and dinner was already here. Nothing else had reminded Harry of what happened while he was under the spell. He decided to go to Madam Pomfrey to see if she could help.

"Oh my dear, what are you in here for today?" Madam Pomfrey asked when Harry walked into the hospital wing.

"Nothing too bad this time, I'm just having a bit of a problem with my memory from the past 2 ish weeks and was wondering if you could help me regain those memories sooner rather than later?"

"Ahhh yes, I heard about your situation the past 2 weeks and I believe that is something you need to remember on your own." Madam Pomfrey shrugged and started cleaning up supplies. She looked over and saw Harry giving her puppy dog eyes. "Okay, stop with the eyes. I'll help you. Just sit tight while I go in the back and grabbed something." Harry smiled and did as he was told. Poppy Pomfrey looked over her shoulder and Harry was still sitting, looking at a picture on the wall, and she pulled out regular muggle cold medicine that tasted weird. Remember is something Harry would have to do alone, there was one potion that would help, but the brain takes it's time for a reason. Placebo's are effective enough. "Alright Mr. Potter, drink up." Harry took the shot and made an uck sound as he swallowed it all.

"Water..." Harry croaked and Madam Pomfrey gave him a glass. He thankfully gulped it down. "What was that?"

"Never mind you, it'll help improve your memory. Off to bed and don't come back unless there is something wrong." Madam Pomfrey waved as Harry scurried out of the hospital wind. There is no way she would actually give the boy a memory potion, she doesn't know what happened exactly during his time under the spell but if his brain wasn't ready to remember then it isn't ready. No need to enhance his access to his memories, he might remember something else he doesn't need or want to see.

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