Chapter 16

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Harry had hidden the throwing up well, his friends didn't find out about it until about a month of throwing up. He just threw up in the mornings, and after casting a silencing charm around the stall he could throw up in peace.

It was around the third week during lunch Harry ate  something, just some pickles that he used to love. Enjoying the taste momentarily he had to run and throw up in the nearest bathroom. Of course Ron, Hermione, and Draco followed him; concerned about why their friend and boyfriend was throwing up. After that they started to keep a very watchful eye on him, thinking maybe he was sick. Ron then caught Harry throwing up in the mornings.

"What's going on mate? Are you okay?" Ron asked as he brought this up with Hermione and Harry. They sat in the common room in the corner so no one would listen. "You've been throwing up everyday!"

"Do you need to go see Madam Pomfrey?"

"Guys I'm fine! I think I have a stomach bug. I'm just tired, I feel like throwing up, and my stomach hurts sometimes. I don't think I need to see Madam Pomfrey." Harry sighed and rubbed his belly. There was a dull ache at the base of his stomach.

"If it gets worse or continues like this for the next few days I will take you to Madam Pomfrey myself." Hermione said sternly. The trio noticed some first and second years getting a little nosy so they went up to Harry and Ron's room.

"Guys, I swear I'm fine. I will probably stop throwing up soon." Harry laid down in bed and curled up on his side.

"I'm still going to keep my eye on you." Hermione squinted at Harry. "I'm even going to sleep here with Ron."

"Hermione you already do that. I do notice when you wake up hella early to leave before anyone 'notices.'" Harry chuckled as Hermione blushed and cleared her throat.

"Ehm, anyway, I'll be keeping an eye on you."

"Yeah okay, excuse me while I go sneak my boyfriend in here." Harry grabbed his cloak and went to the door, meeting up with Draco and putting the cloak over him. He whispered the password and let Draco in behind him. Sticking close, Draco followed Harry to the dorm room.

Draco took the cloak off as soon as they entered the room and put his hand around Harry's waist. "So, I see, Hermione is also helping to keep an eye on you." Harry rolled his his before sitting on his bed when Draco.

"I've told you guys,  I'm fine. It's just a stomach bug. Just give me a couple of days to get better."

"I'll give you three days. If after the third day you are still throwing up or having any other symptoms then I'm going to drag you to Madam Pomfrey's." Hermione said. Ron and Draco both nodded.

"Whatever; do you guys know where I can get some chocolate? I really want some, like right now." Harry rubbed his belly and licked his lips.

"Yeah you're definitely acting weirder than normal." Ron sighed and held Hermione's hands.

"You didn't throw up this much in the past right?" Hermione asked and Harry shook his head. "Then this is a new development. Tell me, what has happened to you recently that may or may not have caused this? How long have you been throwing up like this?"

Harry sighed angrily as he got off his bed. "I'm going to the kitchen and I'll ask the elves if they have chocolate myself." He stalked out of the room and closed the door behind him. After a few seconds Dean and Seamus opened the door and peeked in.

"What's wrong with him?" The pair asked as they walked in and sat on Dean's bed.

"Don't know, wish we did." Ron shrugged. "Do you know anything Draco?"

"I'm as clueless as you guys." Draco sighed. "But I can say he started acting a little strange after break. I figured that it was because we were going to tell you guys about us."

"Did something happen during break? Anything new?" Hermione asked.

Draco blushed, saying, "Well, nothing really worth mentioning. We spent the whole time together."

"Obviously there's something to mention." Hermione raised an eyebrow as everyone else leaned in.

"I don't think Ron would want to hear about this." Draco blush spread to his ears. Ron shook his head, mumbling something about being willing to hear anything if it would help his best friend. Draco sighed, "We had sex. A lot of it and-"

"I'm back!" Harry burst through the door with an armful of chocolate. Neville quietly entered behind Harry. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing Babe." Draco smiled, opening his arms for Harry to quickly get in.

The group left their conversation there and they all spoke and cuddled with their significant others for the rest of the night. Harry let Draco have some chocolate as well.

Harry woke up earlier than everyone else and quickly threw up and cleaned up before they noticed. He chuckled to himself and was content all day until lunch, when he entered the Great Hall and immediately ran to the bathroom after just smelling something he had already puked before.

"Are you feeling any better love?" Draco asked behind the stall door.

"I'm fine!" Harry continuously insisted. Harry washed his hands, mouth, and face then went to the kitchen for whatever he wanted to eat. After two days even some of the teachers were beginning to notice, he was leaving class early or arriving late smelling faintly of throw up. How frequently that was happening lately. Mcgonagall even pulled Hermione to the side and ask her if Harry Potter was alright. That was when she decided that it was time for Harry to visit the hospital wing.

Saturday morning Hermione asked if everyone wanted to go for a walk; Dean and Seamus declined as they wanted to spend some alone time, Neville needed to go study, but everyone else said yes. Along the way Pansy joined in on their "walk." She got irritated with Blaise and needed her best friend. They walked around 'aimlessly' as Pansy ranted about her complicated relationship with Blaise and Hermione subtlety led them to Madam Pomfrey.

"Good Afternoon dears, what can I do for you?" Madam Pomfrey smiled at the group. Harry tried to escape but Draco grabbed him and pushed him to the front of the group. "Oh Harry what kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into? Come on now dear, sit in a bed." Harry reluctantly followed directions and his friends all pulled up chairs to the bed, opposite of where she was going to stand. "So, tell me what's wrong so I can fix you up."

"Sorry for taking up your time when this is probably just a stomach bug." Harry glared at his friends before sighing. "I've been throwing up a lot recently, been very tired and sluggish, my stomach has been hurting too. Nausea is constant and sometimes I have a headache. But I'm sure its just a stomach bug."

"Okay dear, let me just run a few tests." Madam Pomfrey did all sorts of tests and then shook her head. "Alright there is one more test but I need you all to step out of the room for this one." With puzzled looks on their faces, they all obeyed and left the room, closing the door behind them. "Alright Mr. Potter, I need to know before I preform this test, have you had sex. If yes, then have you had sex with another man?"

"Yes Madam Pomfrey, to both questions." Harry looked down, embarrassed. 

Madam Pomfrey started the next test before asking, "Any unprotected sex?" Harry nodded, "Okay it will only take a few more minutes. Now we just need to wait." After a moment the potion let out a little puff of smoke that spelled positive in the air. "Alrighty then, Harry you are pregnant."

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