Chapter 17

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Hey guys just wanted to give a heads up that school is starting again so I won't be able to update again for a bit. I'm in college and also marching band so I don't have a whole lot of time. Once I figure out a balance I'll be able to update more frequently. Have a great day!

"I'm pregnant?!? How is that possible??? I'm a boy!" Harry exclaimed, stunned.

"Well Harry, there are certain ancient family's in the wizarding community who have this ability. A very very long time ago there were more male wizards than witches. The witches were only having male babies so as a community there were a few families chosen to go through a change and allow the males in those families to also be able to give birth. It's been decades since the last male wizard birth so I will need to read up on this topic again. But the gene had seemed to be dormant for at least a century that it hasn't been spoken about or taught since." Madam Pomfrey pulled out an old book and then grabbed some oral medicine. "Put this whatever you drink, it should help with the morning sickness. Unless of course you want to exercise your right to choose and abort the baby. The sooner you decide the better before it gets to a point where I can't help you. I'll need your answer by the end of the week."

"Am I free to go?" Harry asked, a puzzled look on his face as he could not, did not, believe that he was pregnant.

"Yes, Mr. Potter. Also, please let the other father know about this, so you can make this difficult decision together. And before you leave, yes Mr. Potter, you really are pregnant."

Harry walked out of the doors and all of his friends were staring, waiting for an answer.

"You okay mate?"

"You look a little pale, what did Madam Pomfrey say?" Hermione asked, gingerly putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm, uh, I need to go and throw up real quick." Harry dashed to the nearest bathroom and vomited. He exited and all of his friends were still there. "Listen guys, I know you want to know but I can't tell you yet. I need to digest and believe this diagnosis myself. I'm going to go, don't follow." Of course Harry knew his friends and boyfriend were going to follow, as much as they can, so he got the marauders map and the invisibility cloak. He quickly vanished from sight and his friends sighed. Harry headed to Mcgonagall's office.

"Harry Potter. What can I do for you?" The professor sat sternly at her desk, Dumbledores old desk.

"I was wondering if I could talk to Dumbledore's portrait, and then discuss something with you as well."

McGonagall thought about it for a minute before nodding and exiting the room. "You have 10 minutes." The door shut tight and Harry looked for Dumbledore. It seemed like all the rest of the portraits were either asleep or just not in their frames.

"Dumbledore?" Harry called out at his usual frame. "Dumbledore I need to talk with you."

"Yes Harry Potter, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Dumbledore lazily entered his frame, taking a seat in chair that magically appeared. "What can I help you with?"

"Well Professor, I've gotten myself into a mess or sorts. You see, Madam Pomfrey says I'm a, I'm with child. It's kind of hard to process, and I didn't think it was possible for a male wizard to get pregnant."

"Well Harry, it is a very rare occurrence and the last time a wizard gave birth was decades, maybe even centuries ago. Multiple things are required in order for a wizard to get pregnant, even then it is very hard. Male wizards who had the gene tended to not be very fertile with the exception of a few who happened to be very fertile. It really was one or the other. The very fix that  wizards created didn't work very well, but it did help. Most wizards didn't come out about their sexual preference since, even in the muggle community, it wasn't politically okay. But we've evolved into being more understanding and accepting decades before the muggles have."

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