Chapter 15

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Harry was having some pain in his stomach, but he wrote it off as having bad food during break since the elves weren't trying as hard for the few students who stayed behind. His head hurt as well and he figured the nausea was from his stomach pain. To Harry, he just thought he had the flu or something. He certainly didn't want Draco to worry about it. Draco and Harry had only one more week before all the other students returned, before their friends returned. He wanted to enjoy their time together before everyone came back. Harry couldn't, didn't want to, have their relationship be a secret anymore.

"Hey Draco?" Harry ran his fingers through the blonde's hair. The gel had been sweated out and his after sex hair was just so sexy, especially when it was so wild. " Are you about ready to make our secret relationship not so secret?" Draco looked up at Harry and kissed his collarbone.

"Yeah babe, I am ready to tell our friends about us. Pansy has been sending me so many owls to ask you out. Kiss you, make love to you, and more. She's getting annoying. Blaise is even worse than she is. He actually goes into detail!"

"No, you should definitely listen to your friends. They sound like smart people." Harry grinned as Draco laughed. They kissed each other once more.

"Yeah sometimes they have good ideas, I just don't want to hear them tell me to do stuff with you. I'll do whatever I want with my Harry."

"You're Harry huh?" Harry smirked before rolling the boys over so that he was on top. "Just say boyfriend already. I'm not an object."

"Never said you were an object." Draco rolled them over so he was on top. "You're still my boyfriend though." Draco butterfly kissed Harry's chest and neck. "All mine, and I am all yours. Two way street baby."

"What's up with the pet names recently?" Harry reached up and cupped the blondes face, gently rubbing Draco's cheek with his thumb. "Not that I mind them, I do like them, I'm just curious as to why you decided to start saying them now?"

"I'm testing them out, seeing what I like most. Baby is a front runner at the moment." Draco pecked Harry's lips. "If there is a pet name you prefer make sure you let me know."

The boys then spent the day cuddling, whispering sweet nothings,  and talking about anything and everything. They spent their entire week like that, getting in all the kisses they could, loving each other as much as they could so that they could hold off for a few days before telling their friends.

Harry and Draco walked hand in hand to the platform where their friends and all the rest of the student body would get off and get ready for the upcoming semester. When the train was in sight, they kissed once more and separated. Just because they wanted their friends to know, it didn't mean the whole school needed to know as well.

"So, Harry, please tell me that you are together with Draco!" Hermione whispered.

Harry rolled his eyes, "Let's talk about this later. How was break? How was Momma Weasely?"

"Mum missed ya a lot, but Ginny tattled on herself and she understood why you didn't come. Ginny is grounded until further notice," Ron chuckled, "break was okay. Would've been better if you were there with us but I was able to spend some alone time with Hermione so, that was great."

"You two are disgustingly cute." Harry fake gagged as Ron and Hermione smiled at each other and held hands.

"You could be just as disgustingly cute with the blonde over there, but you refuse to tell us things about what's going on between you two." Hermione teased, giving Harry a light punch to his arm. "Oh, remind me later to give you your present!"

"I said later 'Mione, and I will ." Harry smiled and they walked to the great Hall and sat in their usual seats. 

"Later is not a concept of time. Give me an estimate." Hermione said as Harry shrugged. "Ok, so like in a few minutes, couple hours, few days, couple of weeks, maybe even a month?"

"Few days at the latest." Harry said, looking at the slytherin table. His blonde looked like he was avoiding answering his friends questions too.

Hermione nodded before talking with anyone and everyone about their breaks too.


"So, do you want to tell our friends about us together or on our own?" Draco asked as they cuddled together.

"Together, that way they won't ask too many questions and there won't be any repeating it over and over." Harry sighed, nuzzling in closer to Draco as Draco's hand ran through his hair. It was way past curfew and they were in the room of requirement, waiting for all movement throughout the hall to stop.

"Sounds great to me, we should probably do it in the usual courtyard." Draco smiled, kissing Harry's forehead.

The room of requirement was beautiful as they laid in the bed and looked up at the stars the room projected. It really felt like they were outside stargazing, just in a bed.

Harry double checked the map and kissed Draco. "Tomorrow?"


"See you then. Coast is clear by the way."

"See you at the court yard, during dinner." Draco smiled, giving Harry one last kiss for the night.


"So, after we all eat can we go to the courtyard?" Harry asked nervously as he sat down with his friends.

"Sure!" Hermione answered before anyone else. She just had a feeling, and all her feelings tended to be right, that they needed to go there for some good news. After they all ate something, Ron and Hermione followed Harry to the courtyard. A few minutes later Draco and his friends came along too.

"Oh? You two must have something very important to share with us." Pansy said as she sat down.

"Yeah, uh, we are..." harry stumbled over his words.

"Together. Officially dating." Draco finished and they grabbed each others hands.

"About damn time." Hermione and Pansy laughed.

"I thought you guys were gonna shock us with something impossible!" Ron and the others laughed.

"Yeah, like Draco got Harry pregnant, or something like that!" Pansy laughed even harder.

Draco and Harry looked at eachother and realized that they could've told their friends a very long time ago. Probably should have in order to avoid this embarrassment. They laughed along with their friends.

They all continued laughing until it was about time for dinner to end. Harry quickly grabbed some more food, as he was still hungry, before all of them headed to their dorms. Hermione and Ron helped sneak Draco in so that Harry and Draco could sleep together, with the promise (of course) that they wouldn't fuck with Ron sleeping in the bed next to them. Hermione then gave Harry his Christmas present.

"Well I suppose this is for both of you." She laughed as she handed Harry the box. "Open it with Draco." She winked.

After Harry and Draco settled into bed together, after Ron and everyone else was fast asleep, they opened the box together.

It was condoms, a LOT of condoms.

"Damn, we could have used these over break." Draco chuckled.

"Yea... but I do like to not use one with you every once in a while..." Harry whispered, blushing deeply. "Good night!" He turned over, hiding his face. Draco only chuckled more before pulling Harry close, falling asleep while spooning.

The next morning Harry woke up earlier than everyone else, ran to the bathroom and promptly threw up.

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