Chapter 13

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The next day, Draco woke up and hid the alcohol and coke in his trunk before waking Harry up to get dressed. The two of them showered together, kissing and celebrating their relationship beginning.

They both packed up their things nicely and got what they needed for the school day, walking to breakfast together. Wanting to keep it a secret for a little bit, just so they could have something to themselves, the pair split and went to their assigned tables.

"Draco! Get your dumbass over here!" Pansy loudly whispered upon seeing Draco enter the Great Hall in one door and Harry through the other. "Did you really chicken out last night? I knew you didn't drink enough!"

"Pansy chill out. He drank enough, you were the drunkard last night. Where the hell is your hangover, you're way too loud." Blaise complained, his head was down on the table as he blocked out the light. "But Draco, seriously, how come you two walked through those doors and not in one door together?"

"I didn't exactly chicken out, it's just, I don't know, it's complicated." Draco shrugged and tried to smile. "Let's not talk about it." Draco sighed.

"Bloody hell, I know when you're lying! I'll respect that you don't want to tell us but next time just fuckin say that instead of trying to come up with a halfwit lie on the spot." Pansy crossed her arms before yawning and stuffing food into her mouth. "And for merlin's sake, learn to lie to me better." Draco could only nod as he started eating as well.


The day went by slowly, Harry and Draco exchanged secretive glances at each other all the day. Trying their hardest to not go across whatever room they were in to hold hands, or each other. Trying their hardest to keep the secret, to keep it a secret. Harry was happy to finally be back in the Gryffindor, but sad to not be able to spend the whole night with Draco.

"Well Harry you are back in the Gryffindor dorm, how does it feel?" Ron asked, smiling.

"Fantastic!" Harry said sarcastically.

"Did you two express your feelings last night?" Hermione asked. She and Ron sat on the couch together while Harry sat in the arm chair.

Harry swallowed and then looked around, asking, "Have you guys seen Ginny? It's like she's avoiding me like the plague and it's unnatural for her to do that."

"Wait, wait, wait, don't change the subject. Did you or didn't you?" Hermione asked.

"I don't want to talk about it. Now, Ginny, spill the beans. I know it was one of you two."

Ron sighed, "That was all me. I told her to not come anywhere near you or I would be telling our mother of her horrible exploits. So yes, she is avoiding you like the plague and it's because I told her too. I don't want her anywhere near you right now. Speaking of Mom, she wants to know if you are going to come to the Burrow for winter break."

"Well, with Ginny acting the way she is at the moment, I feel it's best to not go this year. I'll be there a lot this summer since I live at the black residence now. We can see each other when ever." Harry shrugged.

"Okay, I'll send her an owl."

Hermione sighed, "We'll miss you during break then."

"I'll miss you guys too. Make sure to have more fun for me while I'm stuck here by myself. Send me owls too." Harry smiled. "I'm going to go to bed, enjoy being in my dorm room for once."

"G'night mate."

"Night Harry." Hermione smiled.

Harry went upstairs to the dorm and sighed seeing everything in place. He threw off his robes and tugged on his pajama's and laid in bed, staring at all the red and gold around him; wishing for a little bit of green or silver to pop up. Hoping to see his favorite blonde pop around the corner. Harry sighed as he pulled his curtains around the bed and pulled out the marauders map. I solemnly swear I am up to no good. He whispered before opening the map and looking around at locations for everyone. He noticed that most professors were in their sleeping quarters, most students were in their dorms minus a few randoms who were definitely up to no good together. Spying Ron and Hermione having their alone time as well, he shivered and silently apologized to his unsuspecting friends. He looked towards the Slytherin dorm, going through all the names he couldn't find the one name he really wanted to see. Curious as to where his favorite blonde was, he  searched and searched until finally he found Draco walking the hall containing the room of requirement. No one else was around so Harry made up his bed so that if someone looked towards his bed they would think that he was just sleeping. Harry put the invisibility cloak over himself and carefully, quietly, left the dorm. He made sure to not run into anyone and slipped out of the door when other Gryffindor's entered the common room. Harry stalked the hallways and slipped to the room of requirement undetected. As soon as he entered the room Draco spun around and looked for whoever just entered. The room was kind of shaped like the tower they were in together, the only difference was there was only one big bed with a large bathroom as well. There were some Christmas decorations up and Draco was wearing the Grey's Anatomy t-shirt and some pajama bottoms.

"Harry?" Draco said, looking around still. Harry held in a laugh, he forgot he had the invisibility cloak on, as he walked up as close to Draco as he could and took the cloak off. "Oh Merlin! You scared me!"

"Sorry Draco." Harry smiled, grabbing Draco's face and kissing him. "I just wanted to see your reaction." Draco smiled, melting into Harry's kiss and kissed him back. The two stumbled to the bed and fell into it together.

"Hey are you leaving winter break? My Father is in Azkaban and my Mother is probably too sad for me to come home this year so I was not going to go home this break. Do you want to spend it together? If you aren't leaving, that is." Draco rubbed the back of his head and stared at Harry's eyes.

Harry smiled and nodded, kissing the blonde boy in front of him. "Since we are going to be spending a lot of time together during break, which is in a week and a half, lets just wait to do anymore than cuddling and kissing, okay?" Harry gently rubbed up and down Draco's arm. Draco couldn't help but think Harry's hands were magic as electricity sparked everywhere he touched Draco. The two boys kissed and cuddled for half the night, talking about whatever they wanted, making time and plans for seeing each other, having intimate moments, throughout the day and not get caught. When Harry could confirm on the Marauder's map that everyone was in their rooms and not going anywhere else for the night, the two kissed each other once more before heading out the room and going to their dorms.

Harry got to his dorm and was not caught by anyone, not even his sleeping roommates, as he settled back into his bed. He double checked that Draco made it back to his dorm before hiding the map and cloak and going to sleep.

Happy 4th of July

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