Chapter 3

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"It's been so long since we've been here!" Hermione sighed. She and the rest of the group were walking down the path towards The Three Broomsticks. Flowers were blooming beautifully along the path and the tree leaves swayed gently in the wind. The fresh air and sweet smelling flowers filled their lungs. "Getting outside the schools walls was such a great idea!"

"Thanks." Ginny smiled, but she still looked somewhat sad. Harry felt a little guilty but they were here to enjoy themselves and so he wasn't going to try and talk about it with her.

The group walked around the familiar cottages and finally arrived at their destination. They sat at a large booth in a corner and everyone ordered a large butterbeer. His friends didn't notice, but Harry certainly did, that a certain blonde boy entered The Three Broomsticks with his friends.


"Ugh we just can't escape Potter." Pansy moaned at they sat down on the opposite end of the room. She sat down with her back towards the ravenette, deciding she didnt want to feel uncomfortable with his eyes glued on Draco. The four of them ordered their butterbeers took off their jackets.

"Atleast you arent the one being constantly stared at, no matter what you do." Blaised sighed. "Maybe I should kiss him? Get his mind and eyes on something else."

"What up with you and kissing Potter?" Draco scoffed, disgust painting his face.

"Yeah, d'ya have a crush on him or something?" Pansy asked, looking Blaise up and down. She knew he was pansexual but damn, he didn't have to openly crush on Potter the way he has been the past 2 weeks.

"No, just want to hear you two talk about something other than Potter." Blaise rolled his eyes.

"It's hard to talk about anything else when there are eyes following you everywhere." Pansy groaned. "Then they're not even looking at me, just at the person I'm with all the time! Its creepy."

"It's not even your issue but you complain more about it than Draco!"

Draco, at this point, had stopped listening to them talk. He and Goyle sat in silence and Draco stared back at Potter, almost challenging him with his eyes.


"What's up Harry? Whatcha lookin at?" Ron started lookin around.

"Nothing." Harry looked down. Sipping on their butterbeer. The rest of the group looked around too.

"What's Malfoy doin, starin at us like that?" Ron asked. "We ought to teach him a lesson, staring isn't nice."

"Come off of it. He doesn't matter okay, let us enjoy ourselves." Harry rolled his eyes after taking one more glance at the blonde. Harry now had all of Malfoys features memorized, his icy glare,  pink lips, everything.

After a few hours the group visited old shops, getting some sweets from Honeydukes, and reminisced together before heading back to the school. They had made it back just in time for dinner. They sat together again and ate, reminiscing about old times. Harry sat with his back to Malfoy, while he wanted to look at those beautiful grey eyes, he couldn't risk his friends catching him. Not only would he not hear the end of it, but Hermione would also figure out who he was talking about. He really wanted to go through with the plan and become friends with the blonde. Hermione probably wouldn't stop him, but she would definitely tell him to be careful. Something he already knew...


'Why does Potter have his back to me???' Draco thought angrily. Did he scare him off by staring back? Was his facial expression that horrid? 

Pansy was babbling about something to Blaise, but Draco couldn't care less about what she was saying, the only thing on his mind was what could possibly be wrong with Potter now. First all he could do was stare and now that Draco is looking back, he can't stare anymore? Draco didn't like this at all. Maybe now was the best time to confront the green eyed boy. If he was going to directly confront him, sooner would be better.

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