Chapter 11

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"See you later. That's all he had to say! After he just basically admitted he was smelling me and his favorite things!" Harry banged his head on the table. "Should I tell him I remember?"

"That's up to you mate." Ron smiled, holding hands with Hermione. The potion must be still messing with them because they seem to be slightly more in love at the moment.

"You could hint that you remember without actually telling him. That way if he doesn't get the hints you won't be embarrassed about the time you guys were together and you were under the potion." Hermione said. She and Ron were busy giving each other goo goo eyes.

"Right. You two okay?"

"We're great. I am so tired, I think I'm going to head to bed early." Hermione smiled.

"I will walk you!" Ron hurriedly got up with Hermione and the two giggled on their way out of the great hall.

"They're about to get laid." Neville chuckled.

"Yeah, obviously. It's been a while Neville, how've you been?"

"It's good. Everything I've been growing is doing well. When are you going to come back to the dorm?" Neville asked.

"Soon. About two days, that's when the punishment gets over with."

"Oh, well good luck with that. Good night." Neville smiled and then left.

Harry looked around and there were no other Gryffindor friends to talk to, usually there would at least be Ginny to talk to, but at the moment she was avoiding him like the plague. He saw that Draco was still talking to his friends and decided to go to the room by himself.


"Did you see the way Longbottom was looking at Harry just now? I can't even! And Harry was just smiling and making small talk back. The nerve of him. He's too busy flirting to even try and remember what the past two weeks were like." Draco complained, pouting to his friends.

"Dray, chill. Longbottom is probably just a friend and I'm pretty sure plants turn him on more than anything or anyone." Pansy laughed. "Harry only ever flirts with you, you're just oblivious."

"Plus you saved him from Weaselette, twice. That definitely counts for somthing." Blaise said, stuffing food into his mouth.

"Just relax. Everything will be fine. I bet he's already started to remember things, he's probably just embarrassed like you are."

"Maybe you should take action. Kiss him. Take him out on a date. Initiate!" Blaise laughed. "Have sex, just do something other than watch him the whole time and complain about who talks to him." Draco blushed profusely. Pansy blushed as well.

"Blaise! You can't just talk about that so loudly when there are so many people around who can hear you!" Pansy scolded him.

"Need liquid encouragement? I can get some by tomorrow if you can't figure it out tonight." Blaise winked.

"Blaise, alcohol and just straight up kissing people doesn't always work." Draco sighed, looking for his ravenette. "Aw damn he's already left. I'm going to my room."

"Kiss him!" Blaise exclaimed as Draco got up and hurried out of the great hall.

"Is your solution always kissing people?" Pansy asked. Blaise just shrugged and continued to eat his food while Pansy laughed at him.


"I'm back..." Draco said as he entered the room. Harry sat on his bed, doodling something on a piece of paper.

"Hey Draco," a slight blush spread across Harry's face, "how was your day?"

Draco's heart fluttered for a moment, Harry's green eyes were looking straight at him and he was called Draco again. But, did that mean that Harry remembered? He wasn't going to push until he knew for sure. "Fine. You?" Draco was still mad about Harry talking to Neville the way he did, smiling and stuff. Wasn't Harry only supposed to have eyes for him? Then again he was under a spell so there's no telling what his true feelings are.

"It's been a day." Harry sighed, then smiled as an idea came to mind. "So the Amortentia, who's cologne were you smelling? And I didn't know you like treacle tarts too."

Draco coughed and  his entire face flushed. "The cologne is- ah- it belongs to- um- the person I like. And I'm not a fan of treacle tarts, the person I like is." Draco coughed again and then gluped down water, hoping to not answer any more questions.

"Oh really? So who is the person you like?" Harry raised a knowing eyebrow.

"Ya know what, what about the  Amortentia potion for you huh? Green apples? Mint? I know damn well neither you nor Weasely wear hair gel. What's up with those?" Draco smirked as Harry's face flushed.

"I asked you a question first!" Harry said, turning away to attempt to hide his blush and regain composure.

Draco smiled, sitting down on Harry's bed. "Oh yeah?" He whispered into Harry's ear, "That's not really fair. You have to answer my questions to in order to find out more about me." Harry bit his lip and glanced towards Draco.

"Okay... fine. I, uh, I like someone too. They eat green apples all the time, they sometimes smell like mint and they use hair gel more often than I'd like. I like it when their hair is messy when they've forgotten to put it in or when it rains and the rain washes it all out." Harry blushed. "Now answer me, who do you like?"

"I wonder," Draco smirked, hesitantly reaching to caress Harry's cheek, "I guess that depends on who you like, willing to share?"

Harry looked Draco in his eyes for a moment before looking away. "I'm too scared too say right now."

Draco paused and then took his hand away from Harry's face. "Do you still want to know what happened the past two weeks?"

"I'm going to go to sleep." Harry quickly laid down. "Are you sleeping with me or are you going to your own bed?" Harry asked half jokingly. He was trying to see if Draco got that he remembered.

"Ok," Draco put his hands up and got off the bed, "I'll sleep in my own, by myself." Draco put on his regular pajama's and got into his bed. "Good night." He heard Harry mumble something before turning over so Draco couldn't see his face. "What was that?"

"Good night."

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