"We have very sophisticated scanners that have your photo from our cameras and search the internet to confirm your identity.  From there, it pulls all of the public information into our database and it organizes it into a report.  As we speak, all of your information will be pulled up by the time we get to the main living floor."  We finally get to the end of the hallway, where there's another eye scanner that Tristan passes and, again, the door clicks open for him.

"How are you doing that?"


"The doors. How are they opening for you without having to go through the scanner?"

"One of many talents - we can will things on and off, open and closed."  We walk into another area with more elevators.  Oh geeze, another elevator.  I look down at my feet, feeling myself turn red while I feel myself get wet again.  Tristan is 5 feet from me, also avoiding eye contact, which makes me feel a little better that I'm not the only one with a problem.  The elevator dings and we step in again.  We both go to opposite sides and lean against the rail, mimicking each others pose.

I can't help but smile at him.  He looks up and gives me the look of "what".  I shake my head and look away, but continue to smile to myself.  The elevator dings quickly and I look back at Tristan who I catch raking my body with his eyes.  He clears his throat, realizing he just got caught and heads out of the elevator. 

We walk into a huge entrance way with a beautiful large, round table with a huge bouquet of flowers in the center.  Wow.  I was not expecting this.  We continue to walk and we reach a very large living room space with several couches, lazyboys, multiple TVs, a lot of game consoles....I've walked into a bachelor pad.  A very clean bachelor pad, but yes, a bachelor pad.

"This level belongs to the rest of my team."  I look back to him.

"How many of you are there here?"

"Including myself, 11."

"And you stay here?"

"No, Bran and I are on the top level.  Bran's my 2nd in command."  He's watching me, gauging my reaction.


"Another half-breed, like you.  C'mon.  You'll meet Bran and Deklin.  They're on desk duty tonight."  He leads me over to another set of winding stairs.  As we reach the top, the double doors are huge with a beautiful gold design of wings.

"Is this real gold?"  I ask, touching the doors.

"Yes."  I look back at him, shocked.


"Gold is the preferred metal of all true angels.  It protects us.  No demon can pass through it."

"A simple metal can protect you from demons?  Then why not have gold suits or armor?"

"Because it can also kill us."  He looks at me intently.

"What do you mean?"

"It's the only metal that can kill us.  Bullets, swords, even wood can wound us, but we can heal.  Gold will not allow us to heal."

"Wow.  Ok, that's good to know."  He opens the doors to another long hallway that is lined with portraits.  They're of angels, both male and female, and they're in various poses.  They are all absolutely beautiful.

"They're of the Royal family.  Most are dead.  The last 5 are what's left."  As we reach the last 5 portraits, I can't help but notice all of the female angels are tall, very skinny, and very pale.  And each one of their eyes are very bright.  Blue, brown, green, and red, just like Tristan's. 

We finally reach the end of the hallway that leads into a very large living room, connected to a state of the art kitchen.  Off to the side, there's an office that's open.  Two guys are in there focused intently on a screen.  They immediately stop what they're doing and look up.  They look shocked.  I look to Tristan who seems to be completely calm.

The one that was sitting, gets up and walks around the desk to greet us.  He's a little taller than me, but not by very much.  He's built though.  Just like Tristan is, but he doesn't have the height.  He's got his brown hair slicked back and is wearing all black, just like Tristan. He's handsome, but not as hot as Tristan. The other guy that was standing, makes a leap over the desk and lands gracefully in front.  There's no way a normal person could've done that. I watch as he calmly walks up to me and nods. Deklin is a little taller than Bran and not as built, but he's got this weird aura around him. Again, there's no evil in either of their eyes. It's weird not seeing evil for once.  It's refreshing.

"Ava, this is Bran and Deklin.  Bran, Deklin, this is Ava."

"Nice to meet you, Ava."  The one named Bran says in a very heavy Scottish accent, smiles a kind smile, and gives me his hand to shake.  I take it.  Deklin nods, but doesn't do the same.  Is he even breathing?  He's just watching me very intently.  His eyes are so blue and Bran's are a rich brown.  There's something about all of their eyes that I can't figure out what.  "Tris, we have to debrief you on what happened and on a possible lead.  Ya gotta minute?"  I LOVE listening to Bran talk.  I've never heard a Scottish accent before and it's absolutely mesmerizing.  Tristan turns back to me.

"Ava, please make yourself comfortable in the living room or kitchen.  Please feel at home.  I'll be about 30 minutes."  I'm surprised by this, but I just go with it.  It's not like I have much of a choice.  The guys walk towards the office and close the doors.  I walk towards the living room and look around.  The entire room looks even more spacious with it's high ceiling.  This living room does not look like a bachelor pad, rather just a gorgeous living room out of a magazine.  There's a TV with couches, an electric fireplace, a beautiful coffee table.  But the kitchen.  It's the size of my parent's house.  The dining table that's somewhat connected to the kitchen area is huge too, 12 seats.  There's another staircase that leads to another level, but it's all open and from what I can see, there are a few more rooms.  There's another hallway that's between the kitchen and living room.  I decide to wander instead of sitting down.

***Please don't forget to comment or like the chapter!!!  I'd really appreciate it! ***

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