Chapter Fifty-Eight. (NSFW)

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"Ugh!" Rosie huffed. "Mum, this curl keeps falling down!" She moaned.

"Mum is helping Ellie with her dress, let me take a look at it for you beautiful." Tasha said hoping to avoid a tantrum.

"Thank you Tash." She whispered as she hugged her aunt.

"I've got an idea, why don't I braid some of it, keep it out of your eyes?" She smiled down at the young girl who's eyes lit up.

"I've got something for you that can go in your hair too!" Billie said as she came in the room, hair and make up done and carrying her dress and what looked like a little box.

"No flower girl is complete without flowers in her hair!" Sally smiled as she followed in behind Billie carrying her own dress as well as Tasha's

"Exactly!" Billie smiled as she put down her dress bag. Ellie and Charlotte walked in, dressed and ready to go. "What kind of auntie would I be, if I didn't make sure my beautiful niece didn't look a million pounds on my wedding day!" She grinned as she crouched in front of Rosie. "This is for you. A little present from me and Tom, to thank you for being our extra special flower girl today."

Rosie smiled as she carefully opened the little box. Inside she found white silk roses with sparkling gems in the centre of them, she let out a little gasp. "They're so pretty!" She leant forward and put her arms around Billie's neck, hugging her tight. "Thank you aunt Billie, I love them. I'll give uncle Tom a hug when I see him." She smiled.

"You're welcome beautiful." She smiled and kissed her cheek as Tasha started adding the little flowers to her hair.

" She smiled and kissed her cheek as Tasha started adding the little flowers to her hair

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"All done." Tasha smiled as she stepped away. "As beautiful as ever! I'm going to put my dress on." She told them as she took her dress bag and headed to the bedroom of the bridal suite. When she returned Sally was in her dress and Charlotte was just finishing off tying the back of Billie's wedding dress.

Billie turned to look at Sally, Charlotte, Ellie and Tash with a smile on her face. "I didn't know what to get you all as a thank you gift..."

"You don't have to get us anything Bill." Sally smiled.

"We wanted to thank you for everything you've all done to help with the wedding. So..." She smiled at them and turned to pick up her bouquet. "We paid for you all to have a night, here, in upgraded suites and a room service breakfast in the morning. Mary and Peter are doing to have Rosie for you Charl." She smiled at them all wide eyed and staring at her. "No crying! You'll all ruin your make up and the girls won't be back for touch ups until the photo's are being done." She laughed as they all rushed to her and embraced her. "I love you all so much! You're the sister's I never had and always wanted." She teared up. "I'm getting married." She whispered as they all parted.

"You are!" Charlotte smiled as she dabbed the tears from her best friends eyes.

"Your dad is here and the cars have arrived." Sally smiled as she held out her best friends bouquet.

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