Chapter Fifty.

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"Ben..." Rosie shouted out to him from the dining room. "Can I take Bonny on her walk?"

"Have you finished eating?" He asked from the kitchen.

"Yes!" She said as she carried her empty plate, cutlery and glass in to the kitchen and put them in the sink.

"Thanks sweetheart. We'll both take her for a walk once I've finished washing up, Yeah?"

"I'll dry for you. Where's my step?"

"It should be under the sink..." He smiled down at her.

"Got it." She said as she skipped back towards the sink. "What time is mum getting back?" She asked him as she took the dish towel and started drying a plate.

"She'll be back before you go to bed, her and Sally have taken Billie to try her wedding dress on."

"I can't wait for the wedding! Billie said I can be her flower girl and that I can wear a princess dress." She gave him a big smile. "Mum is her bridesmaid, so she'll have a princess dress too!"

"You'll both look beautiful, no doubt about it. Right, now that's all done, I'll put everything away and leave a note for mum telling her we've took Bon out. You go get some shoes on."

"Ok. Come on BonBon, let's get ready." She said as ran out of the kitchen, Bonny bounding in from the garden chasing after her.

"Can I have an ice cream? I ate all my dinner!" She looked up at him and smiled as she held his hand with one while she held Bonny 's lead in the other.

"I don't see why not." He smiled back.

"You're the best! Don't tell Stevie I said that though!" She grinned making him laugh.

"Lips are sealed." He winked.


"I'm home!" Charlotte called out as she unlocked the front door and walked in. "Hello! Rosie? Ben?" She shouted as she walked through the living room towards the kitchen.

Having a quick look out through the kitchen window to see if they were outside but only saw the washing on the line. Turning back she noticed a note propped up against the kettle.

Gone to take Bonny for a walk to the park. Shouldn't back too far behind you xxx

Smiling to herself, she filled the kettle and flicked it on before unlocking the backdoor and going out to get the washing in.

Coming in with a basket full of washing, heading towards to living room to take the it upstairs to put away, her phone vibrated on the counter top. Grabbing it on her way past, she unlocked it and frowned.

Unsaved number; left unattended, not very responsible is it.

Unsaved number; left unattended, not very responsible is it

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

"Oh god!" Charlotte gasped, dropping the basket. Closing the message and opening her call list, dialing Ben's number. "Come on! Pick up!"

"Hi, you've reached Ben, can't come to the phone right now but leave a message after the beep and I might call you back, depending who you are. Beep"

Worth the waitOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora