Chapter Thirty-Eight.

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Saturday morning an excited Rosie burst through their door waking them up, as a yapping Bonny ran ahead of her and took a running jump on to the bed, landing flat on Bens stomach, closely followed by Rosie; who luckily managed to land between the half asleep pair.

"Bloody hell Bonny! Get down!" He groaned feeling the wind be completley knocked out of him.

"It's adventure day!!" Rosie said with a huge smile on her face as she started to jump up and down. "Can we have waffles for breakfast? I know it's not a birthday mum but pleeeeease! I really want waffles." She pleaded with a big, bright smile on her little face.

"Waffles sound real good to me." Ben chimed in with a grin on his face.

"How could I possibly say no, to these two adorable faces? Eh? Waffles for breakfast it is!" Charlotte smiled as she rubbed her eyes trying to wake herself up a bit more.

"YES!" Rosie squealed as she jumped off the bed and ran out of the room to go down stairs. Ben chuckled at her antics and turned to look Charlottle who was looking at him with a small smile on her face.

"I love you." She whispered as she stroked his face.

Pulling her in to his side, he kissed the top of her head and let out a content sigh. "I love you too." Bonny barked up at them. "Yeah, yeah. We love you too!" He laughed as Charlotte buried her face in the crook of his neck and giggled.

"Are we taking a picnic?" Rosie shouted from down stairs, getting Bonnys attention and causing the pup to barrel off of the bed and towards the sound of the young girls voice.

"Yes!" Charlottle shouted back to her as she started to get up and out of bed. "I'll make a coffee for when you come down." She smiled at him.

"I'll get up now, take Bonny out while you sort breakfast."


Bonny was walking up ahead of them scratching and sniffing around in the foliage. Ben and Charlotte walking hand in hand with Rosie trailing behind them.

"Is it much further? My feet hurt." She said as she stopped and let out a huff.

"Come here!" Ben suddenly scooped her up and lifted her above his head.

"Ben! Be careful!" Charlotte rushed over to help him. "Your arm!" She scoulded him

"I'm fine!.. It's not much further anyway. She'll be ok to go back once shes had a rest."

Sighing in defeat she started to follow them. Beep beep. "Steve's text you She called out."

"What's he want?" He asked.

"I dont know." She replied.

"Open it and see then."

Rolling her eyes at him she opened his phone to see what the message said.

Steve; Have you made it to the top yet?

"Asked if weve made it to the top yet." She laughed.

"Ha! Tell him no but I feel like a pack mule!" She laughed.

"What's one of them?" Rosie asked him.

"A donkey!" Charlotte told her and she started to laugh.

Ben; Not far to go. Said he feels like a pack mule!
Ste; What you bloody on about?!

 Said he feels like a pack mule! Ste; What you bloody on about?! Ben;

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