Chapter Fifty-Five. (NSFW)

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"Where is she? Is she ok?" Ellie asked as she ran through the front door to see Ben was sat on the floor doing a puzzle with Rosie while Mary say drinking a cup of tea.

"She's in the shower." Ben said without looking up.

"She's a little banged up but she seems OK, all things considering." Mary smiled.

"They've finally got him?" She asked.

"He can't hurt mummy anymore Ellie." Rosie's face beamed up at her.

"Finally!" She let out a sigh as she ran up the stairs.

"Get ready for it..." Mary smirked but before Ben could ask what she was talking about they heard it.

"Ellie!" Charlotte screamed. "I'm in the shower! Get out!" Making the three of the let out a laugh.

"Definitely fine but a little banged up." She huffed as she walked back down the stairs.

"Told you so." Ben laughed at he looked round at her.

"Jesus Christ! Your eye!" She let out a gasp.

"Thanks El, way to make a guy feel better. Is Adam ok?" He asked concerned about the bang he had to the head.

"He'll be fine. Mild concussion which is nothing compared to what he'll get when I tell him how bloody stupid you all are for being so idiotic! What the hell were you thinking!"

"I was not ok with or behind the idea! I was categorically against it in fact!" He shook his head and carried on helping Rosie.

"Do you have no regard for people's privacy?" Charlotte asked as she came down the stairs.

"I just wanted to see with my own eyes that you were ok!" She rolled her eyes.

"If I'm ok? Your husband was knocked unconscious! What about him?"

"Like i said to mum and Ben, he's fine. Just a concussion..."

"Nana?" Rosie moved off the floor to sit on her knee.

"Yes poppet?" She smiled as she wrapped an arm around her.

"Can I have a sleepover tonight? I haven't had one for ages." She pouted.

"It's ok with me darling but it's up to mummy." She said looking over at her youngest daughter, she'd been too anxious to let her stay away from home since her birthday because of not knowing where Jack was.

"If you want to, you can." She smiled as Rosie jumped up and ran to hug her.

"I'm going for a shower now you're done." Ben told her as he kissed her head. "See you tomorrow Rosebud. Be good!" He smiled as he ruffled her hair before walking upstairs.

"I will!" She shouted after him. "Let's go nana! I want to see grandad! Can we make cookies in the morning?" She ran to find her shoes.

"Don't see why not." She smiled as she got up to go put her cup in the kitchen.

"Well, now I know you're alright I'll head home to that doofus! Call me to wake me in the morning... Hen party night!" She whooped and gave Charlotte a kiss on the cheek.

"Will do. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye mum. Bye Rosie." She called out as she headed out the door.

"Bye mum. Bye bon bon! See you tomorrow." Rosie said as she kissed her cheek.

"Bye sweetie. Be good for nana and grandad. Bye mum." Hugging them both and waving them off before she closed and locked the front door.

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